Chapter 19: Jaydan's bald head | Evan

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The journey to Japan was anything but uneventful. I resigned myself to my fate - listening to Linny complain about how the airport had confiscated her favourite pair of scissors before allowing her to proceed.

"You know scissors aren't allowed," I tried to point out, but the grey and purple haired girl refused to listen, instead resorting to mumbling angrily to herself when I didn't give her satisfactory answers.

Everyone else who travelled with us in the private jet was silent. I figured that they were wary of Linny after her consistent ranting about the loss of her scissors.

In fact, she was still complaining when the jet touched down on the tarmac. I wouldn't deny that I was slightly annoyed, but I didn't want to offend her, since she was pretty much my only companion. If she ditched, I would be alone, and I definitely didn't want that, especially when everyone else I knew and could trust was out of my reach.

I ended up solving the problem, however. We were walking side by side out of the terminal, dragging our luggage behind us, when my eyes landed on the bright lights and smooth walls that were the small shops. One bright and sharp looking object stood out to me instantly.

Yes, I bought Linny a new pair of scissors, but they were Japanese themed. Considering the fact that the scissors had a tiny cherry blossom print, I was almost scared that Linny wouldn't approve. I felt like weeping with joy when she accepted my gift with a smile.

"Do you want me to get anything for you?" Linny questioned, cradling her new scissors in her hand. She ignored the weird looks passerby gave her, and didn't even give the supposed bodyguards that were supposed to escort us to Kameron's family mansion a second glance.

"I would like you to do one thing for me. Please don't complain anymore," I must've looked pretty pitiful, for her smile grew so much that her teeth were showing.

She reached over and gently squeezed my arm. Well, it was probably supposed to be gentle, but I grimaced. "I'll try my best." Her gaze drifted to something behind me, and she let out a sound that seemed like a mix of astonishment and disgust. "What is that?"

At first, I didn't know what she was staring at. When I did, I blinked. Once. No, maybe a couple of times.

On display in a shop's window was what looked like a head of those dummy statues used in tailoring and fashion. It was about the size of a regular watermelon, and there were only hollow crevices where the eyes should have been. The mouth was extremely hard to make out, and the shape of the lips were almost invisible.

In other words, the dummy head looked creepy as hell.

Linny approached the window and read the label beside the head. "The label's in English. It says 'Jaydan's bald head'." She glanced at me expectantly, as if she thought I knew the answer.

"I have no idea. Some sort of Japanese merchandise?" I had never heard of anything like the sort. I couldn't help but release a shudder. "It's creepy."

"It's weird, but the longer I'm staring at it, the more I think it's funny," Linny answered as she walked to the shop's entrance and headed inside, straight for the dummy head. I watched her from the other side of the glass window as she gingerly picked up 'Jaydan's bald head' and stared at it. "Do you think I can buy it?"

I was going to ask if she had lost her mind, but then I remembered that there was a window in between us, and she probably wouldn't be able to hear me. Instead, I shrugged. She gestured for me to join her inside the shop, and so I complied.

"What do you think?" Linny tapped the top of 'Jaydan's bald head' with her index finger. "It's kind of interesting."

"It's up to you," I replied, even though secretly deep down my answer was definitely a no.

Queen of Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें