Predestined - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

The next morning came too soon. I'd tossed and turned all night long and it felt as though I'd barely slept a wink. I don't think it was the fact that Julian and I shared a bed for the first time ever. Nothing untoward happened. He was the perfect gentleman. He'd slept in boxers and I'd slept in pajama's. I realised he'd held me as sleep so swiftly engulfed me but as the night progressed and my sleep was disturbed so... he had move away from me. I had missed the solid warmth along my side but for some reason solid deep sleep evaded me. It seemed fair for him to at least be able to get a good nights sleep. Seemed we'd be needing all the energy we could muster in the time to come. Who knew in what capacity this threat would come. The room was blanketed in total darkness - I knew it was morning as I was up through most of the night thinking. So I had been vaguely aware of how much time had passed. I guess not having windows down here would be something hard to get used to. I think the thing that disrupted my sleep was maybe that I'd been sleeping so much since the transition. The few times I passed out... I guess could be counted as sleep. Who knew? Maybe I'd ask Taya next time she came.

The bed subtly shifted beneath me as Julian rolled towards me. My back was to him but I knew he was moving closer. His arm brushed across my waist and I tensed. The arm retracted suddenly and I relaxed marginally. How could I get used to this. Maybe we Just needed a good talk. To get to know each other. Maybe I'd ask Lenora if the live feeds were set up. If not... me and Julian had some talking to do.

'Sorry.' He whispered quietly towards me.

I rolled over to face him, ready to try and explain my hesitation and such, but halted before a word so much as left my lips. Our faces were mere inches away. I could feel almost a gravitational force pulling at me. His lips mesmerized me. It felt as though I were almost in a hypnotic stupor. My eyes slowly slid up his handsomely rugged face until the landed on his amber eyes. They were such an unusual colour. Then again. I guess my eyes were a pretty unusual colour to the average person. Julians eyes were flitting to my lips, then to my eyes and back again. He wanted to kiss me - that was obvious. To be honest I wanted to kiss him too. I held still, uncertainty holding me paralyzed. Did I dare initiate a kiss? We'd already shared one. It was amazing. Did I want to talk to him, get to know Julian more before taking anything any further? I mean... it seemed inevitable that the relationship would advance further... but I think I would feel kind of... easy I guess. My eyes slowly glided downwards to once again focus on his perfectly proportionate lips. I was distantly aware that his hand was moving towards my face, and he gently caressed my cheek as he pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Once tucked away his thumb continued to stroke gently across my cheek. He drew nearer at a leisurely pace and his lips brushed against mine tenderly. He started to pull away but I stopped him with my hand on the side of his face. I eased into him, pushing him down to lay flat against the bed, and I returned the kiss. I knew this was as hard on him as it was on me. It still felt a foreign concept - being soulmates - but regardless, I had strong feelings for him and I felt like a bitch for constantly making him feel like he's pushing me, and maybe even giving him the impression I didn't want him. I liked him. A lot. Hell. Maybe I even loved him. I didn't quite know how deep my feelings went for him, or even how far his feelings went for me. But either way - I wasn't going to reject him. The kiss was quite conservative, a gentle fleeting merge of our lips. I pulled back a few inches to see a heart melting smile on his face, he was so handsome when he smiled - even his eyes seemed to sparkle when he smiled. I breathed out slowly and lowered my head to rest on his shoulder while his arm looped around to rest against my back. We stayed like that for maybe 10 minutes.

'We need to get up. I'll contact Lenora. See what the deal is.' Julians declaration startled me slightly - causing me to tense.

'Okay, you think you could ask her if the live feeds are operational yet? If not - what are me and Candace to do today?' I asked, willing myself to relax a little more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2010 ⏰

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