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Yuna: i don't know what to do about the baby and im really scared.

Saved as a draft

I think I might abort it.

You'd hate me for that if you ever found out, but as long as I'm alive, you never will.

Let's be realistic here, I don't have the ability to raise a child, let alone even the money to feed it. I'd be a horrible mother--I've never quite been the loving, nurturing type--and I can't even begin to count the infinite ways I could screw up.

I never wanted to pass my genes down anyways. That in itself is beyond cruel--practically damning the child before it's even born. We both know how f-cked up I am.

I don't want anyone to ever feel the way I do.

You though--you'd make a great dad. The best dad. Someday. When you're older and with someone who truly deserves you. But that day is not today. And I certainly never deserved you, nor will I ever deserve you. You're too pure for this world. And all I'd ever do would taint you.

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