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Belle's POV
As me and Dave race into Bobby's office we past by Bryan, who looks at us like we are weird, "What are you two doing", he asked us following behind us to Bobby's office. "Dave turned and looked at him then to me, "Well, Bobby wanted to mess with us half of the time, so we decide that since he is with Danea, we are gonna mess with office", Dave informed him as he goes to Bobby's desk and starts messing with stuff. "Ok then, don't break anything though", Bryan says as he walks out, "We won't bro", I shout after Bryan. After a few minutes of silence as me and Dave messed with his office, he asked me "What to play some music", he turns to look at me, "Sure, here I'll find some on YouTube" I say sitting in. Bobby's chair as Dave takes a window marker and write on the window (we made sure it was ok with Matt), he had write "It Wasn't Connor and Paul This Time-D&A"
As I search YouTube, I was looking at what I could mess with on Bobby's computer, I finally started playing Eden Project- XO. I start humming along, as I switched the background to a doodle I did on the paint thing on the computer. As Dave goes and sits on the couch, he starts mumbling the words " Just know, I'm not singing for your XO, I'm just singing cause it's over", I look at Dave, hopped up and walked over to him, "Dancing with me" I said shyly to him as I was holding out my hand. He grabs my hand as I help him up, he puts his hand on my hips as we slow dance to a song that you really can't slow dance to but we did. I hear a knock on the door, " Y'all have better not messed up my office badly", Bobby yells causing me and Dave to let go of eachother, as he goes to open the door for Bobby. Danea followed in behind Bobby, I hugged her as she stood next to me. "Did y'all use a window marker on my window", "Correction, Dave did", "Wow, you're gonna throw me under the bus" Dave said walking closer to me and poking me in my sides, "Dave!", I squeal and burst out laughing. Bobby and Danea started to film as Dave tickled me. "Ok, well, I gotta take her home, clean this up before you two leave" Bobby said walking out, "Ok, cuzo, we will" I laughed out, Dave stopped tickling since we were the only ones in the office he looked at me and started to lean in, "Belle, you said you were going to Megan's, remember, she just called me" Bryan yells out making me and Dave pull apart before anything can happen, "Right, I'm going now, see y'all later" I yell out as I get my stuff, "see ya later, Dave" I say and as I walked by him I quickly kiss his cheek.

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