chapter 7 Jegudiel's sin

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"Are you sure that is the best course of action???" Uriel asked
"Yes we need to warn god and the mortal world of Jegudiel's plan
"I cant believe he would do something like that though waging war om the mortal world"
"Yes he's truly gone mad" gabriel said to her

"Anyway ill be off, please look after the other archangels if they decide to join him"
"I will" she said back to him
He got in his chariot and rode off on the clouds

"He's surely gone mad we might have another great rebellion just like lucifer....." he thought
He had arrived at his destination the gates of heaven and he had gotten off of his mystical steed

"Halt!!" Two angel's stopped him and pointed their weapon's at him
The edge dulled his chin
"What sort of treachery is this???" He asked
"Lord Jegudiel has banned anyone except himself from the fates of heaven
"This is blasphemy, i am an archangel and you had dare to rebel against me??"
"Sorry milord" The angel responded

"Dont call him 'lord' any more he is a simple traitor now" Jegudiel descended from the sky bringing selaphiel with him
"Selaphiel youve joined him too?"
"She smirked
"Man has become too corrupted and greedy, and expects us superior beings too pick up their mess"
"You two are the corrupted ones......."

"Haha sad that you wont be able to see it through"
" see what through.... gahhh-!"
A sword pierced through Gabriel's abdomen
"Our New World Order"

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