chapter 3 keagan kicking off

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Keagan had inherited everything from his father
His wealth
His mansion
Even his pets and plants
But their was one thing he couldnt inherit
Someone to love

Sure he had lisa and his widowed mother
But he loved lisa as a sort of mentor
And his mother was his mother
He wanted an intimate relationshio
But where would he search?
He had always wondered

Keagan was list in thought until......
*ding dong*
The doorbell rangm
"And I lost my train of thought..... perfect" he said sarcastically
He got off the sofa and headed towards the mansion door

(I think I know who this is....) he said in his head
As soon as he opened the door he was assaulted with the tightest hug he had ever had
"keagan it's good to see you again!!!"  the girl had said
"lisa we just talked yesterday!!!" keagan responded barely holding on to his breath
"I Know, but I love talking to you!!!"
She said
"Ok if you let me go ill make you some soup and we can talk
"*gasp* its a deal"
The childlike lisa let go and ran into keagan's mansion
*sigh* " what have I gotten into"
Keagan said sarcastically

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