chapter 5 A legacy

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Keana stared at the tombstone it read:
Here Lies Fergus Chit
july 26th 1992- august 30th 2030
Fergus was her best friend and he had guided her through some tough times

Even though it had been almost four years since his death she still couldn't let go
"Keana are you gonna be okay?" Rodney asked he was right beside her grieving
"I loved him you know?" Keana said
"Even when he proposed to his wife and got married I still loved him"
"Tell me something rodney........ is that wrong?"
"No keana... its not wrong to love anyone or anything but its how you reciprocate the love that matters" rodney replied
It was silent for a moment or two

"I'll miss you fergus" keana placed a flower or more specifically A rose on fergus's grave
"Good bye my friend!" Rodney placed A sunflower right on his grave

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