~Chapter 20~

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Jack saw Mark approach the group of humans, so he got up and leapt at Mark, pinning him down. The warrior bit at his arm and it felt as if molten steel was poured onto it. The hunter screamed in pain and clocked Mark, which in turn made him pissed. He snarled and tried to bite Jack's neck, but he was a step ahead. He bashed Mark's forehead, which was burning hot (hot coal temperature) to the touch, but that didn't bother Jack. Mark bit him again on his other arm, the hunter's skin sizzled as the molten steel teeth locked on his arm. The heat traveled and began to boil his blood and was about to pop quite a few veins when he kicked Mark. He roared in pain, and Jack gave him one final blow. He slumped over, laying limp on the ground.

     He heard Fumetsu laugh, and looked over to see soldiers running, particularly in Ethan's direction since he just finished off the other hunter. He locked eyes with the two people left, and saw a fireball launch at them, and explode, trapping the two humans in fire. Jack felt his heart stop as Fumetsu looked at him. The Hunter got up, baring his teeth. Ethan crept up to his side. The sorcerer laughed.

     "What? Two scrawny hunters against me? Is this all you got humans?" Fumetsu said, turning around. Jack nodded at Ethan who charged around and leapt, and at the same time Jack came barreling in from behind, sweeping the sorcerer.

     Meanwhile, Amelia cried out as the fireball hit the wall, caving in on Rishka and Felix. She ran towards the flames, but Tyler stopped her. He restrained her, and dragged her to shelter, which was a bomb shelter inside the base in case an event happened.

Inside the blazing rubble, a voice could be heard.

"Felix?" Beyond the roar of the fire the name could be heard.

"Felix!?" A piece of metal came crashing down behind her, but her calling was still heard, only to those within range.

"Help..." A hoarse Swedish voice could be heard and Rishka ran over to the source. The general was trapped under a singed piece of metal, but not stuck to the point that he couldn't wriggle out. She grabbed his hands and helped him out, just as the jagged piece fell and nearly cut his foot clean off. Outside, another explosion was heard.

"We need to get out of here." Felix said. Rishka nodded and followed him. They heard another fireball go off, and a screech was the result, a familiar one that made her heart sink.

     Jack tried to pull out the dagger he had, but the fire sorcerer whisked it out of his hand. Jack snarled and charged at the sorcerer, only to run right into a fireball. He screeched as the flames lapped at his skin, and ran out of the battle, fire catching his worn out shirt. He flopped over from exhaustion, the fire from his shirt died out. Fumetsu walked up to him and Ethan limped after the sorcerer, unaware of Mark. As soon as he saw Ethan grab the blade, he charged. The hunter was already a step ahead, and leapt out of the way as the warrior leapt, and he bit down on Fumetsu's neck, his molten bite fizzed the sorcerer's blood, and caused him to scream out in pain as the heat seared his veins. Fumetsu flopped onto the floor, and Ethan jabbed him with the dagger.

     The sorcerer lifted his head to the sky with a high pitched scream, and a flaming figure leapt from his corpse and burned him. A shockwave resulted and made all three giants fall to the ground, out cold.

     Amy darted out of the shelter and into the flames where her friend was caught. "Help me!" She called. Inside, both were out cold and starting to burn as the flames and embers got closer. Luckily though, the soldiers dug the two out, and quickly took them to the medical bay.

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