~Chapter 7~

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High, thin ledges were always my enemy. If there was one thing scarier than Jack and Mark turning and trying to kill me, definitely high thin ledges. I hated it. I could skydive, bungee jump, parachute, and stand on the tallest building and not even flinch. But high, thin ledges, nearly killed me as a child. I hoped that there's another was another way. There wasn't, spoiler, but, another thing happened that raised questions for me...

     "Oh god no!" Rishka cried.

     She panicked and slid behind Mark's neck. Jack apparently was petrified. He finally snapped out of his trance, whined and backed away, growling. Mark slowly slid one foot along the ledge. Rishka tugged his ear, trying to get the giant's attention. He swung his head to look at her, nearly hitting her with his jaw.

     "Try, uh, keeping your balance on your feet and, um, line the side of your foot with the mountain." Rishka said, nervous.

     Mark did as she said. He carefully walked along the ledge. Jack poked his head in and out from the cliff repeatedly. He winced, then finally came out. He slid along the ledge, gripping the crevices tightly each time his feet joined together. He quickly slid along the ledge, as Mark had already made it to stable ground. Rishka felt sorry for him. She was petrified the whole time Mark had been on the ledge. Jack slipped and almost fell, had not his hand caught the ledge.

"Jack!" Rishka cried. Jack roared, then grabbed the other side of the ledge. Mark ran towards the side of the level platform. They two watched as Jack shimmied (a shimmy shammy!) across the ledge, focusing on Mark and Rishka. He managed to make his way, slowly but surely, to the two. Mark helped him up, and then knelt down to pick up Rishka. It almost seemed like they were human. Were they actually human once?

     No, Rishka thought, shaking her head. Science proved that it was impossible to change size, didn't they?

     Mark and Jack continued on through the tunnel, and were greeted with strange architecture. Almost everything had blue liquid pulsing through cracks, almost like blood veins. She had never even seen anything like this. Mark set her down, and she instantly darted towards the strange vein. It matched the bracelet that had glued itself to her wrist. Both Giants observed the small human for a while. Jack looked at the structure in front of him, and roared, baring his teeth and arching his back. Mark copied his actions, which chased Rishka away. She looked back, and saw that they weren't moving, well, Mark didn't move. Jack was long gone.

     "What? What's wrong?" Rishka asked.

     A hunter's roar answered her question as it launched himself at Mark. His eyes were amethyst. The two giants rolled around, biting and kicking. The hunter bit down on Mark's arm and drew blood. Mark roared in pain, kicking at his attacker. The hunter raised his fist and was about to bring it down onto Mark's skull when Jack jumped at him, his nails digging into the other giant. Mark got up, and held his arm while Jack knocked the other giant out. Jack snarled, then roared, pawing at the ground. It was a while before he calmed down. Mark was slumped against a tower, still holding his arm.

     Rishka got out of her hiding space from before, and approached Mark. He looked down at her, then back at his arm.

     "Mark, let me see the wound." Rishka said. Mark looked at her, confused, but revealed the bite mark. It was deep, but not deep enough to cause major damage. It would get infected if it wasn't treated.

     "We need to clean your wound." Rishka said. She walked over to Jack, who was watching the other hunter with hawk-like eyes. Jack noticed her presence and tore his gaze away from the knocked out giant.

     "We need to clean Mark's wound. Do you know any place where there's water?" Rishka asked.

Jack knelt down and scooped Rishka up into his hand and put her on his shoulder. He walked over to Mark, who was still holding his arm. Mark stood up, and the two giants left the area.

Meanwhile, two other giants came in from the forest, their eyes glowing red. One of them felt the knocked out hunters arm. He raised his hand and smacked the Hunter. It sprung up, snarling. The warrior growled and pointed towards the pool of blood. The Hunter roared and followed Mark and Jack from the shadows. He wasn't about to let the human go. Especially not towards the hidden ruins that lie further north.

(So, to be completely honest, I winged this whole chapter. Poor Mark, though, oh well, what comes next, will be a mystery! Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter! WSW, OUT!!!)

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