~Chapter 9~

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It wasn't a while until another sorcerer attacked, this time, there was no cage to hide in. But I guess for a good and bad reason; one of the two managed to resist its call...

Rishka panicked and tried to climb out, but not even Mark could get back up. The sorcerer smiled, then screeched. Both giants knelt, and Rishka panicked.

I am so dead! Rishka thought, turning around. Mark, or whatever he became, crept towards her, his jaws parted. She cried out with fear. He roared, and lifted his hand up, as if to swipe her. She cowered. She was at the mercy of whatever had controlled Mark. Rather than feeling megatons of force, the ground shook as Jack pinned Mark down. The Hunter and warrior brawled, Mark being stronger knocked Jack to the other side. He turned back to Rishka, whom was trying to hide in a crack. The warrior roared, which drowned out the sorcerer's screech, and tried to bite her, but Jack got up in time and charge tackled Mark, beating him until the warrior fell, weakened by the hunter's surprise attack.

Rishka didn't know who won, but she felt something snatch her quickly and thrashed vigorously. The fist loosened, and she realized that it was Jack who had grabbed her. He held her tightly to his chest as he ran down the hall. Mark's roar announced that he was recovered. He tackled Jack to the ground and the Hunter roared in surprise and defense. He used his thumb to push Rishka into his fist and enclosed it. Jack kicked at Mark, then rose up and bashed his head into Mark's. Mark roared in pain, then got off of the hunter.

      He clocked the warrior and Mark fell onto the ground, but wasn't down and out. Jack ran towards the ledge and jumped, trying to get out. He managed to get back up, but Jack was already climbing out. He put Rishka on the floor next to his hand and she ran. Jack was yanked down by Mark. The warrior's intention's were clear; he was to kill Jack. Mark brought his fist down onto him, but he grabbed the fist and raked Mark's belly with his foot.

     Mark roared with pain and surprise as Jack kicked Mark's leg and flipped him over. Jack began to punch Mark until he finally was down and out. Jack checked for any other wounds, and was relieved to see only bruises. He also checked for breathing. Mark was breathing, but it was very shallow. Jack stayed down in a corner, watching Mark. Rishka had witnessed the whole fight. The sorcerer looked down at both. Jack roared and leapt at it like a tiger. But the sorcerer froze him in place.

     "Fortes estis filioli humana. sed postea, non tam felix. Non relinquam vos et hanc insulam vivum faxo." He said, turning into a raven and flying away. Jack fell to the ground and yelped with surprise. Both Jack and Rishka stared confused as the bird flew away.

     "H-h-he talked!" Rishka said, running to the edge.

     She fell and Jack acted quick and caught her. The sun began to set, and Jack laid down on the floor, keeping a watchful eye on Mark. He hadn't let Rishka go, so she just curled up in his hand. Besides, his hand was nice and warm, almost a leathery blanket and bed.

(Lots and lots of fighting! So, how do you think this story will end? We're only halfway through, kinda, I don't really know. This is the climax of the story! WSW, OUT!!)

The Lost Island ( COMPLETED!!! )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ