~Chapter 6~

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So, I didn't really understand much about these, sorcerers, but I found out about them more the hard way. I didn't even know that they could do that! Nor did I know what the bracelet was for, until we came across one...

     Rishka stared in awe at the massive building that was surprisingly still standing. It resembled a sort of church, only not as religious. Mark went in first, and Jack followed. At least now she knew why he acted like that. Inside, there were torn banners and decorative pillars with many rooms. Mark went into one room, and Jack followed. A gate shut behind them, which caught Jack's attention. He growled, then snarled and backed away.

     Rishka looked up at the giant, who clearly was scared about something, but what was the cause? Mark approached a room with cages all around, and at the end parallel to them was a statue of a giant. Mark roared and pawed the ground, almost like a scared animal would. Jack snarled, backing into the shadows. Were they scared of the statue? Rishka climbed down Jack's arm and leg and ran towards the ledge. There were stairwells that led to the cages, which peaked her curiosity. She jumped down, expecting something to happen, but nothing did.

     Jack noticed her absence, and went after her. As soon as he dropped down, then tried to get back up. Rishka watched him, curious and scared. She was about to speak when she heard rocks falling. She turned, and saw that the statue was alive! She quickly ran towards the cage stairwell and shut the cage door. She watched as the other giant bowed, then screamed. It was a sorcerer.

     Rishka covered her ears and winced. She noticed her bracelet was glowing, and panicked. She tried to break it off, when the ground shook. Both Mark and Jack were looking at her. Although, she felt it wasn't them. Mark's eyes were now a bloody red and Jack had neon green eyes.

     Both Giants looked at her, then roared. Rishka backed away, stumbled and fell onto the floor of the cage. Jack raked the cage, snarling and bearing his teeth, as if Rishka were some sort of enemy or prey. Mark punched at the cage and it dented. The two giants kept attacking, and the sorcerer kept screeching. She got up and covered her ears and ran away, trying to find a safe spot.

     Jack managed to break one part of the cage and tried to grab her, his arm getting cut by the cage's broken wires. She ran the opposite direction of the hand, and ended up tripping and falling onto the ground. Jack tried to pull his hand out while Mark bashed at the cage. This part was made of a darker metal, and seemed to be taking the hits. But for how long until the cage gave in was the question. She backpedaled away as Jack joined in, soon the sorcerer stopped, then disappeared, but the two continued to attack. Rishka began to cry, scared of what might happen. She eventually cried herself to sleep.

     When Rishka woke up, she screamed and ran, as Jack was pawing at the cage. His eyes were no longer green, but she was still terrified from earlier. Jack whined and left the cage alone, watching as the terrified human cowered. It wasn't entirely his fault, it was near impossible to avoid the control of a sorcerer's scream. Jack approached Rishka and whined, pawing at the cage like a puppy, begging for forgiveness.

     "L-l-leave me alone." Rishka hiccuped, backing away from the giant.

     Jack winced and looked at the hole in the cage he had made. Rishka had been a hair away from death, had she not ran back to the part of the cage that was heavily reinforced. He left the cage and sat down by where they had entered.

     Rishka looked at where Jack was and saw Mark on the floor, face down. Rishka came out of the cage and saw a boulder next to him. It must've fallen while they were still trying to kill her. Mark stirred and Rishka squeaked, scampering back to the reinforced part of the cage. Mark slowly got up, falling a few times, but he managed to stand. He looked at the cage, then at Rishka. He too had his normal eye color. Mark slowly and carefully approached Rishka, trying not to scare her. Jack looked up from his hands and saw Mark slowly creep towards Rishka. She screamed and backed away. Mark looked at her with guilt, and she peeked out from her defensive ball.

     It took a while, but she finally calmed down and went towards the hole. She slid down, but Mark caught her. She panicked as the giant lifted her up to his face. His eyes had guilt written in them as he stroked Rishka's back. She flinched, but then calmed down, and nuzzled his finger. Mark stopped petting her and put her on his shoulder, then went to where the sorcerer was before. He saw a small hole in the wall and went to the side of the stone throne and pushed against it. Jack jogged towards them and aided Mark.

     The two managed to push the throne to the side, which revealed the exit of the room. They left, and walked through the long, dark hall before seeing daylight through one of the arches. They left the building, and were faced with what Rishka feared the most: a high, thin ledge.

(Wow! Two chapters in one day! So, I've been waiting a while to write this, and this kinda foreshadows what will happen towards the end of this book! Anyways, imma try and write some more, so, farewell until the next chapter! WSW, OUT!!!)

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