~Chapter 14~

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It felt as if our journey was coming to an end, as if we were heading towards the end of the road. Of course, then you guys came, and everything became hectic...

The sky grew dark as a storm arose, pouring rain down onto the trio. Rishka stared at the massive castle, trembling. She knew that an angel had told her what to do, but how come he didn't tell any of the other people to do it that had wound up on this island? Mark went in first, and Jack followed. He grabbed Rishka and put her on the ground. He nodded at her, then darted out of view.

Hunters are strange. She thought. Mark crept into a hallway full of stone giants. Rishka followed him, staying close to him. A familiar screech cut through the air, catching Rishka's attention. It was the sorcerer, Fumetsu, the Immortal King. The sorcerer smiled and roared. A few of the statues came to life. Mark stood up, his eyes were normal, and snarled, dropping into a ready position.

     He charged, then was brought down by a hunter covered in dust. Mark bit the Hunter in the shoulder, and it roared in pain, scratching the warrior. Mark bashed into the hunter's forehead with his own, and the hunter collapsed. Another one leapt at him from behind, and took the warrior by surprise.

     Meanwhile, Jack darted through the ruins, trying to find is vantage point. While Rishka was asleep in Jack's hand during the afternoon, him and Mark were discussing strategies. They went with their old one, the first one which cost the life of two others who joined. It was risky, but it had worked a first time. The Hunter darted past a jail cell, and heard a raspy grunt. He back tracked and saw another hunter with "Ethan" engraved into his collar. He was thin and small, but looked capable of fighting, or at least sneaking at this point. Jack freed the other giant by yanking the chain off the wall. The other giant looked at him, and Jack helped him up.

     Ethan nodded at Jack and the two left. Jack snuck down into the court room, at the side. He pointed to the other side, and Ethan went. Jack nodded, then dropped into a hunter's crouch. Just as Fumetsu was about to walk towards Mark, Jack leapt, roaring and clung onto Fumetsu's back. Ethan snuck around and attacked the hunter that had Mark pinned. Mark and Ethan managed to knock out the other hunter, but then a warrior crashed into Ethan. Mark leapt at the warrior, socking him hard.

     And, where was Rishka, one might ask? She was hiding. She dug through her pockets and satchel for anything useful, and found her phone. It was still charged, but at 20%. She looked through her audio and found a whistle audio clip. She saw a rocky outcropping lit up by a lightning strike and climbed it. She saw Fumetsu throw Jack off of him, crashing the Hunter into another one and Mark. His hand lit up as a ball of fire appeared. The three winced and tried to get up, but Fumetsu had them pinned by an invisible force. Rishka raised the phone up and played the audio. The sorcerer looked at her and launched the flame.

     She jumped, but it was the wrong direction. Flames engulfed her vision as rain poured into the room. The flames lapped at her skin, but she couldn't feel anything. She looked around, searching for an exit. She saw a beam that was caught in between two rocks. She trudged out of the debris, her shirt caught fire, but as soon as she got out the fire was put out by part of the roof falling and the rain. Mark was staring dead at the sorcerer, rage and defense clear as a bolt of lightning struck in between the four giants.

All four stumbled back, but Fumetsu lost his footing as part of the balcony collapsed beneath his feet. The sorcerer let out an ear-piercing cry of fear, which was cut off with a thump. The three giants jogged over to the ledge. Rishka scrambled over to see, as well as three other giants who were once stone statues. Fumetsu's corpse was mangled at the shore. She thought she saw boats docked, but those were probably ruins. Mark winced and the two hunters stared, shocked. One of the Warriors was about to make its way down when Rishka saw a seismic charge fall and plant itself to the ground. The others crept over, but Mark, Jack, and Ethan stayed.

The charge went off, blasting the curious giants. The charge had killed them. Jack grabbed Rishka as helicopter blades sliced through the air. Mark and Ethan backed Jack up and snarled. Men charged into the room, ballista's followed. The machines were loaded with at least five javelins. One of the men yelled fire and Jack grabbed Rishka, running and hiding with her in his hands. The javelins hit both Mark and Ethan, only one missed. Ethan fell and Mark snarled, falling to his knees. He tried to swipe at the ballista, but ended up falling, too.

     "Unidentified creature, put the girl down and come out now!" One of the humans said. Jack whined and snarled. He bared his teeth and backed further away. Rishka squirmed, afraid of what fate he might meet if he didn't listen.

"Jack! Please, listen to him, put me down. Let me negotiate!" Rishka said, managing to free her arms. Jack winced, walked into view of the men, lowered his hand, and let Rishka go. She ran up to the soldiers, just as the same man called out "fire!" He hit Jack with three of the javelins, and the giant stirred, trying to find his balance. Rishka noticed the charge had scared the unknown and curious giants off, apart from Mark and the newcomer, Ethan, whose metal collar was still latched on tight around his neck. A soldier who bore the Swedish flag (you all know who this is) stepped foreword. Rishka practically fell on top of him, giving the blonde man puppy eyes.

"Please, don't hurt them! They haven't done anything bad on purpose! They're just," she hesitated, trying to think of a simile, "l-like lost puppies! They don't know any better!"

"Bind them!" He ordered. "Now, you tell us what you've witnessed."

"O-okay." Rishka began, taking a deep breath. "My name is Rishka Evans. I am 22 years old and I am a shipwreck survivor..."

(So, a couple of things. One, I got hammered with projects, essays, and tests, the usual for a high schooler. Second, Pewds and Ethan have arrived! If you bothered to listen to my hint, you'd know what I had meant by the tags "what is up my cranky crew" and "brofist"! Third, this took so freaking long because I didn't know how to introduce Fumetsu, Pewds, and Ethan! Lastly, the notes at the beginning of each chapter? That's Rishka telling her story to the soldiers! Anyways, WSW, OUT!!!)

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