The Man in the Moon

Start from the beginning

"That's likely, but the point is he's up to something very bad. I feel it... in my belly!" North whisper-shouted. That didn't elicit a good reaction from Bunny.

"Hang on, hang on- y-you mean to say, you summoned me here 3 days before Easter, because of your belly?!" Bunny asked, he was not too pleased. "Mate, if I did this to you 3 days before Christmas-" North then cut Bunny off from his little rant.

"Please, Bunny, Easter is not Christmas!" North smirked. Which obviously means they're about to have another argument about how important their holidays are.

They wandered away from Sandy and I, Tooth stopped paying attention when North and Bunny started arguing and was now talking with her fairies.

I turned to Sandy and said, "Great! Summoned to watch an argument that we have all seen about 735 times before!" Sandy chuckled silently.

I then turned to North and Bunny, who were still arguing, and politely asked them: "Could you stop arguing and instead pay attention to the situation at hand?" They both completely blanked me. Ok then, fine. It's gonna be like that, is it? Fine.

"Ok, I might go and burn the workshop down, or paint stupid faces on all the eggs or throw a hammer at your face!" I said, getting increasingly louder as the sentence went on. And still they argued. I turned to look at Sandy who just shrugged. His eyes moved to the direction of the moon which was slowly moving so that its calm rays rained down into the workshop.

Sandy, Willow and I began to attempt to get the others' attention. Willow was jumping around, I was calling out to them, Sandy was making sand figures appear above his head, yet they were still arguing. Tooth then flew slightly closer to North and Bunny still talking with her fairies.
"Tooth! Can't you see we are trying to argue?" North asked.
"Sorry!" Tooth replied, "Not all of us get to work one night a year, am I right Sandy?"
Sandy responded by creating a sand arrow pointing upwards above his head. Tooth then gasped and continued her work with her fairies. Much to mine, Willow's and Sandy's frustration.

Bunny turned back to North and continued arguing. I gave up after that so I sat down criss-cross applesauce style on the ground next to Sandy and patiently waited for them all to stop talking over each other.

Then, a ringing sound echoed throughout the room. I looked to my right to see Sandy shaking a bell on an elf's hat to get everyone's attention. He made a sand moon appear above his head and pointed at the real moon.

North turned to the moon, FINALLY acknowledging that it's there.
"Ah! Man in Moon! Sandy, Lily, why didn't you say something?"
"You're pushing me over the line now, I threatened to throw a hammer at your face!" I retorted, earning a chuckle from Bunny.

"It's been a long time, old friend! What is big news?" North yelled up at the Moon. The Man in the Moon then shined a light onto the Guardian emblem, a shadow began to appear in the shape a man with a pointed face and spiked hair. To say he looked creepy was an understatement.

"It is Pitch..." Bunny admitted. North then gave Bunny a look that said 'I told you so' and patted his stomach vigorously. North looked away from Bunny and up towards the Moon.
"Manny, what must we do?" North asked.

The Guardian Emblem began to open to reveal a crystal embedded in rock rise from the ground.
"Guys, you know what this means?" Tooth said quickly.
"Nope," I replied.
"He's choosing a new Guardian..." North explained.
"What?! Why?" Bunny asked.
"Must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help," North replied.
"Since when do we need help?" Bunny said, looking around at all of us.
"I wonder who it's gonna be?" Tooth said, Sandy made a four leaf clover appear above his head. "Maybe the Leprechaun?" Tooth continued.

The shape of a human was starting to appear. I could hear Bunny's quiet mumbles of 'Please not the groundhog' from the opposite side of the crystal. The crystal then showed the image of a young man who looked around 17 years of age, he had a hooded jumper on with much older looking trousers. He had bare feet and was holding a long staff with a curved end. I didn't recognise who it was at first until North stated his name.

"...Jack Frost," North stated. The fairies swooned at the sound of his name.
"Uh, I take it back. The Groundhog's fine," Bunny said. I looked over at Tooth who was looking at the image of Jack Frost dreamily. My response to that was to roll my eyes. Tooth quickly snapped out of it.
"Well a-as long as he helps to, uh, to protect the children, right?" She asked. Bunny looked at Tooth as if she'd gone nuts. And so began his rant.

"Jack Frost?! He- he doesn't care about children! A'ight, all he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts!" Bunny yelled.
"What's your beef with Jack Frost?" I asked him.
"He's an irresponsible, selfish-"
"Guardian," North finished.
"Jack Frost is many things but, he is not a Guardian!"


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