"We the demigods should rise up if the mist disappeared. We need to firmly show the world that we will help them, that we will be the bridge between gods and demigods. Let them have us in their forces, let us fight alongside them humbly, not mattering wether they and we are a child of war or not. Let them think of peace, not of how to contain and destroy us. Tell them that any supernatural villain will be our responsibility.
Tell them that discrimination will do nothing, that we all die in the end and end up in Erebus. 
Tell them that we all are one."
Journal of Percy Jackson, Chapter 12, ' different circumstances', page 18

Owlkit was now five moons old, six in a matter of days! She couldn't wait, she just wanted to get out of the dingy old camp and have a secret place for all of her inventions! Maybe she can ask the barn cats for twoleg trinkets because she thought that twolegs had quite interesting things, unlike the common theory that twolegs are heartless, dumb bastards.
She lifted her head slowly off of her and her brother's sleeping spot of pelts and feathers, which were more comfortable than the usual moss. Goldkit was snoring next to her as usual early mornings, where the sun wasn't up yet. She stretched out her legs, accedentially kicking her brother in the face. She flipped back and slowly stalked to the corner of the den, pulling out a very interesting piece of drift wood she found washed up onto the lake shore a few days ago. It looked like a small stump with a narrowed top. (A/N, it looks like those smaller water bottles)
She had to claw out the wooden plug on the top after finding out that it's hollow. The inside was very large with dirty sides, but a trip to the river should fix it. After observing for a bit, she found that she can somewhat grip the side to her delight. Now it was time for her to find a use for the perculiar object.
She thought and thought but the best guess was to use it as a water carrier, making one of her apprentice chores much easier with glee. It wasn't cheating, just using such precious luck to its fullest. But is she holds it to the side, the water would leak out of the hole...
She thought as one of her claws was in the hole. If she could stop the water flowing somehow, to plug it... She could use a piece of bone! She stalked to the back again, shuffling through her collection of gnawed bones and found a big enough piece, an incomplete one but still it would work.
After making it smooth enough, she pushed the thing into the hole. It fit perfectly, plugging the hole with a little squeak. Her new thing would be of great use, especially the hot sun that is making going outside would melt one's brains.
She followed Galepaw who had moss duty for the elders. She had to bring them water to drink, then water for the medicine cat's patient. All of her tasks was water. Perfect.
She groaned as her mentor assigned her moss/water duty. The summer heat was unbearable and the water keeps on drying up too quickly. She muttered curses as she slowly trudged through the camp with heavy steps, being sleep deprived from last night's Gathering. She was almost out when Owlpaw nudged her. Owlpaw was a weirdo, but she didn't care less since her inventions helped her cheat through many chores since she and Shadepaw is the only one willing to test them out.
"I heard you have water chores... I can help if you want."
Her spirits sprang into the sky. Yes! Go and eat foxdung chores! She thought with glee. She was even doing a small happy dance after a point. Maybe she can play with Shadepaw later.
"Yes! Of course, get rid of me from the curses of chores!"
They reached the river together, her with a mouthful of moss. She sat down as Owlpaw slowly walked up to the shore. She dipped the object into the water, then pulled it out, dumping the dirty water back into the river.
A water carrier? Perfect!
Galepaw wanted to help out so she walked towards Owlpaw who was still rinsing it out. She took the object into her mouth and dipped it into the river, with the hole facing upstream. She the dumped the water out, which was now less dirtier and looked a lot like the river water. She filled it up one last time while Owlpaw stuffed the bone plug inside, sealing the water. Both jumped with glee as the contraption worked.
"Here you go Lakewing, is this enough water?"
"Yes yes Galepaw, please give it to Leafstorm."
After giving the last of the water to Leafstorm the patient, she ran back to Owlpaw, flinging the dirty moss to a corner of the camp in the process.
"I'm done! I'm done! Now I can meet with Shadepaw and-"
"Have him bring you to a romantic walk in the moor together, all alone?"
Galepaw looked at Owlpaw in absolute shock before licking her chest fur for a few times.
"N-no! Where in Starclan did you think of that? Plus, wouldn't the night sky be more romantic?"
"So you admit it." She insists.
"NO! Where did you even get the idea of a romantic relationship?"
Her face turns into a dung eating grin as she slowly says...
"Well, I overheard Firekit talk to Goldkit, who was taught from Shadepaw, so I thought that you two were in Looooooooooooveeeeeeeeee----"
Her grin becomes wider and wider as Galepaw's breath becomes more heavy and uneven while her brain starts to process the most tourting ways to kill her crush.
Oh Shadepaw, even if we are future mates, I still will dump you into the river while forcing deathberries down your throat!
"So, are you two in loooooove??"
Owl paw scampers away, while yowling with the top of her lungs,
"OWLPAW! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SNEAKY FOX!" Galepaw shrieks as she chases after her.
Third POV:
Scene: Borderline Dream
Owlpaw woke up to a very cryptic place. It looked normal at least, except for the pull of two powers. On the side of sunrise, there was a pleasant aura, one of love, happiness, and courage. The other, had the opposite aura, dark, sinister, and very musty.
"They call it borderline, limbo for some. A place where both the Good and Evil can stand together. A place that can widen the balance or close it. Truly a splendid place."
Owlkit whirled around, to see a beautiful grey tux with purple eyes. She never seen this cat, or never heard of it in any of the stories or rumors.
"Owlkit, that's your name right? Ah, such a young mare, shot dead along with her colt. A classic tragedy. But here you are, living again!"
"Shot dead? Living again?"
"Never mind, well call me Rana, a simple dream traveler. Starclan isn't the only one with their fancy little powers you know."
She was now next to Owlkit, her tail wrapping around her flank. She started to lead her straight forward into the shadowy Rowan forest.
As they were walking, Owlkit became more and more curious. Her mouth started to spill questions more faster than one could say 'mouse'.
"Why are your eyes purple?"
"You know cats have amber, yellow, brown, and green eyes right? Well, some of them have blue eyes too. If their pelt is pure white and they have pale blue or pig colored eyes, then they're what twolegs call them albinos. Then finally, there are cats with purple eyes or even mismatching eyes which you won't meet every day." (Purple is a rare mutation.)
Owlkit nodded, taking everything in. She's seen two cats from camp that had blue eyes, but none pale or mismatched or purple. Heck, she never even knew there were purple eyed cats, what's next? Cats with rotating ankles?
Next question she asked was:
"Where are you from?"
Rana gave a small chuckle.
"I'm from a very very far away place. So far away that it would take moons to go there. You'll have to cross the Great Lake, so vast that it would take days to see the other side. "
At this time, they stopped at a clearing surrounded by oak, pine, Rowan, and a reddish brown tree (acacia.)
"Why me? Me of all cats?"
The cat turned to her, and started to say.
"You are much smarter than anyone else in your clan. You craft many new things, you do something new every day. You're growing stronger and stronger. They call you a monster, not because you are scary or corrupted but because you're powerful, you hold potential, lots of it. And that's where we come in. We'll train you until you know yourself, you can sleep without losing consciousness. Only the best of the best, the strongest of the strongest and the most monstrous can learn all of these things. You are smart. Your power can topple the clan leaders in time. The only question is, are you ready?"
Owlkit complemated all of her choices, her paths. On one paw, she can accept, becoming in full control and nothing can break her concentration. Believably a true monster. On another paw, she could decline, just be plain old Owlkit with all of her trinkets. But this choice isn't a good one. It will be easy-yes but she'll get nothing good out of it. She decided-

"Great, then training starts the next night, here in this clearing. At borderline, the place of no cat."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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