Some may think that being powerful in my way is great, but truthfully, it is dreadful. To see the future, to know what would happen no matter who's choices do what because you know who's going to do what. To know that your world is controlled by someone powerful. To anticipate the day that your creator will abandon you and your world. To keep it in a frozen spot until they comeback to it. You can't rebel because they can change whatever you do. They can change what the past, present and future shows with a single tap. To see all who you love live with hopes and dreams though some may be lucky to stay anonymous in the creator's story.
Truly something one would not wish to have.
Words of Chaos, Journal of Chaos, Time, Space, Order, and Memory.  Chapter 38: Truth about Our Exsistence, Page 586.

He wasn't always a loner. His first life was spent as Rashard, king of the Silver Isles. With this, he learned how to lead, and speak the language of earth.
His second life, he was another cat in another place. A city dweller that joined Ashclan. Name was Hero and sometimes Timekeeper, for his watch necklace. (A.N THIS IS ACTUALLY A REAL FANFICTION credit to CloudtailGrandmas !!!)
And now, his third life holding the name of Shard, teacher of the hero. He knew of dreamscaping, and making of weaponry and armor. Heck, as Hero, he even wielded a crossbow! But anyways, his new acquaintance, Azure was actually not so bad. He had good manners and sass, he also was quite in tune with the element of water. Shard did know the reason why though, and its was quite a funny but sad love story. But whatever, Azure was one of this cats with infinite potential, and tree climbing in the middle of a storm is a tiny bit. So now, Shard's going to teach him flipping and how to use Azure's rotating ankles.
Azure trudged in at rising blue flame time with berries in a wrapped up cloth (he probably stole it from his twolegs) and two plump mice. Shard already ate his filling of trout so he only ate the purple berries. After the warmups of stretching, tree climbing and rapid climbing (like koi). Then hell began, at least Tartarus for Azure.
"Tuck your legs! Flip faster idiot! It's not that scary even if it's BACKWARDS!" The next hour or so was filled with a failing apprentice and an overly exausted teacher. At least for the last three times, Azure actually tucked his whole body backwards and landed squarely on his front, and lightly on his back.
He was surprised when Shard purred in approval. He rarely did anything but grunt and put on his I am so disappointed in you face. Shard then excused him for lunch and break, and told Azure to come back by the third time the disc struck. As he watched Shard slink back into the shadows, he padded away to a small beaver dam. Yes, it was a real name but that's what twolegs called those structures. It was actually quite fascinating to him compared to the other, lesser minded house cats who either snorted and judged him as mentally ill or simply quakes in fear because of some kind of 'legend'. Seriously, they all were pretty pathetic. As he was thinking a long line of thoughts on why the birds always heads to one direction in leaf fall, he had in conspicuously made it to the dam. He leaped onto the familiar boulders as he crouched down and watched for a fish.
A plump bass, perfect for a hungry belly.
He plunged his paw into the water and gripped the fish with his claws. He pulled it out, it was a Big mouth Bass, not too bad. The kit then proceeded to trot towards a tree stump.
When he was eating it half way, he heard a small yelp and a cry for help followed by growls of two dogs. Whatever that animal was very young and Azure hated bullies. He left his fish and dashed towards the sound. When he arrived, he really just wanted to claw out their eyes and dump them into the river to who knows where.
"Well, well, well... looks like someone trespassed into out territory."
One of the Dobermans cackled, making the kit squeak.
"I was hungry! I don't know where everything is!"
The fox bites back, making Azure chuckle.
The other Doberman stalks up to the tiny fox, snarling. The fox though, seemed to have a great poker face, and if the dogs were dumb enough, they fell for it.
Azure then walked in from the shadows, just for the sake of what twolegs called dramatics and swaggered over to the three canines.
"I thought dogs were the smartest of all of the animals? Oh how wrong I was!" He cried. The dogs growled, and whipped their heads around.
"You! You're very famous here you know, going into the forbidden lake and being around that- that monster!" One shrieked.
"Yes me, and it's not a lake, it's a beaver dam and the monster has a name." Azure sasses back.
The two dogs decided that attacking him would be the best option at this point and charged right into him. A quick slash and a few bites, the dogs were running back, screaming how they would horribly (pathetically) kill him.
He turned back to the fox, "so uh, you aren't a kit right? I mean, you feel more powerful...?"
??? POV:
She knew she found the right cat right when she felt his energy signature. So powerful and free yet he never knew about it! What a waste! When he asked her that question, she knew she found the perfect cat. He was an unbound ranked maybe about a bit higher than a K7, the highest being a K10, her rank. She was in the highest rank in a skill called Foxcraft, a skill only foxes obviously had. It consisted of many magical abilities such as imitating a mother animal's call. In the ranks, there were three classes, elemental, mana crafting, and Starbound. Each class rarer than the last. His energy signature was clearly screaming water so perhaps he was a full water element. That would be as equally as powerful as her which would be quite fun to play with since there is no level 7 water that she met.
"Great job! You already passed my first test, and you can feel my aura. Time for you to not get yourself killed by animals like us."
"What?" He just said, blinking. Well that's a better reaction than most newbies, which freak out or even faint.
"Welcome to our ranks! Meet me here the same time that we first met, and tell him these words '終わり' (owari) remember it."
She started to disappear into thin air, her silvery pelt becoming fainter and fainter.
"Wait! What's you're name?" The kit of the sea asked...
"Call me 彗星。(suisei)"
And she was gone, only flattened grass of where she stood was left.
"Relax your feet, tumble forward, protect your head, then roll on your shoulder!"
He did exactly as his mentor said. He jumped down from a 2 meter rock and rolled with his body relaxed.
"Perfect! That should keep you from doing something mousebrained while falling."
Azure stood back up, only in slight pain by the amount of little cuts and obnoxious bruises there were littered on his body.
Azure asked. Shard swiveled an ear to his direction. He continued.
"I-I saw a fox a-and she said 'owari?' What does that mean."
Shard hesitated for a moment but regained his composure.
"So it came. Days are numbered... Should hopefully be enough time..."
He whispered.

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