Chapter 23: Kisses, roses and tea

Comenzar desde el principio

"Has something happened?" I asked, little worried.

"No, no, nothing serious. A nobleman came to meet you." I stood up.

"Where is he now?"

"In your office." She answered.

"Thank you. Could you take that book to my room?" I asked and started walking towards the doors. I didn't hear her answer.

When I opened my office's door, someone bumped into me. I looked down and saw a little boy. He had a blonde hair, blue eyes and eyebrows which resembled mine. He had a black hoodie, blue pants and shoes and a black tail. Boy looked up and sneered.

"It's you, jerk." He said.

He doesn't even know me. "Don't talk like that to me."

"Or what? I could kill you if I want." I huffed.

"You look like twelve year old boy, so you can't win."

"I can't?" Boy asked, wisdom twinkling in his eyes. For some reason, boy seemed a lot older than he really was. Suddenly, I felt like there was a really old and strong creature in the hallway. I watched after the boy in shock, when he walked past me, whistling.

I watched after him with an slightly amazed expression.

"Your Highness?" Nobleman's voice woke me up and I walked to my office, closing the door behind me. I sat down on my chair and put my hands on the writing desk. It seems he didn't notice or hear what I talked.

"So, why did you want to meet me?" I asked and snapped my fingers. A tea cup appeared on the desk.

"About the eastern cities." The man answered. He had soft features and he was small, but his eyes were piercing. All his clothes were different shades of blue, even his top hat.

"Ten and Nine?"

"Yes, your Highness. They need money to fix the damage."

"There wasn't much damage." I replied and took a sip of the tea.

"Well, the houses-"

"How much?"


I repeated what I said, slightly annoyed by the fact, that young man didn't listen.

"Hmm... 10 000 Spadian dollars?"

"Too much. 3000?" I asked, raising a brow.

"8000." Man said.





"Listen, Blue boy. 5000 dollars and nothing more." I said, drinking the rest of the tea.

"My name is George, your Highness." He said, looking mortified. I stood up.

"So, deal?"

George thought about it for a moment, before standing up and shaking hands with me.

"Where shall I send the money?" I asked and looked out of the window.

"To... Ten of Spades, your Highness."

I nodded gently. "Now, go." I heard no answer from him, only a door opening and closing after him.

I sighed and watched as George rode away from the castle's yard. I turned away from window, before I walked out of the office.


"Jeez, this is hard." Alfred complained, as we walked in the paths of the garden.

"What? When I came here, you were excited about being a King." I replied, raising a brow. He glanced at me and I saw amusement in his eyes.

"Don't do that! You look hilarious!"

"What did I do to deserve this..." I huffed, but felt a smile tugging my lips.

"Nothing, my Queen." He turned his back to me and took a rose from the bush. He handed it to me, kissing my back of the hand lightly. I flushed and stuttered something about roses and why he shouldn't do things like that. Alfred only grinned, before we stared each other.

Bloody hell, that warm feeling came back. It wasn't a bad feeling, but I just didn't want to acknowledge it.

Suddenly, Alfred leaned closer to me and... He kissed me to the lips.

Afterwards, when I recall that kiss, it doesn't feel perfect anymore. But then, it was. Sun shined on the sky, like watching over us.

... It was perfect.

Ugh, I'm a perfectionist. I just think that this story isn't good enough to you, readers, and to myself. I always think about the plotline like this: "Too much drama. There is not enough about their relationship. They don't behave like in the manga and anime. Has that character got injured too much?"

And I'm a grammar Nazi, no less.

I got a new idea and it's a usuk story??

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