Frishica can't sleep in the night and see through the window the stars. And went to the balcony and look up the sky and wish for something she went outside and rides the unicorn.

When Frishica grows up, she relax on the sofa one of the legs go up on the other leg dreaming about she use to be started to be aggresive and evil, Sheila's brother ask her to smile because she didn't not smile before, she tries to smile widely and evily that scared Sheila and her brother. Next sheila gets up from her seat and take a close look at the family portrait of Frishica and her family, Frishica looks so furious in the portrait that scares Sheila. Frishica had a conversation with her parents but somehow she started to get exploded at her parents. Next her parents took Frishica met Victoria's parents, Victoria ask why Frishica doesn't smile keeps frowning all the time. Frishica said I never ever smile before. Victoria was shocked, and their parents were chatting.
One day, Sheila had a nightmare of a mysetrious person with hoodie screams at Sheila and tend to harm her that Sheila wokes up and was relieve it was just a dream but at the window she saw a mysterious person with hoodie when thunderstormed, she screamed but it disappeared afterwards. Sheila was washing the plates, she saw a mysterious person with a hoodie and glitch into Frishica in the plate reflection,she was shocked . Frishica father that he wanted to give her a wand and believe that she can use it with no harm while Frishica's mother disagree but Frishica's father keeps on insisting to give her, Frishica was so happy that she ran across the room and swings with her wand. Sheila wants to play with Frishica's hair so she let her do her hair when Sheila pass the mirror to Frishica , the mirror reflects Frishica then the mirror glass broke Frishica was shocked and throw it on the floor and runs away. Frishica placed the wand on the table and she leaves the room, Sheila sees the wand with her brother and take to try it out but her brother said not to touch her stuff if not they will be doomed but Sheila do not care and accidently dropped the wand and the crystal on the wand broke. Frishica came back and saw the wand was broken she was shocked and take the wand while her hand was shaking she turned to them and her eyes opened so big the fact she was shocked and started to get angry then, her hand wide spread evil gesture and shout ahhhhh!!!! when she use the magic wand to shot the magic at Sheila's body flys and hits the wall , sheila and her brother quickly ran away from her while Frishica chase after them. Frishica use electrical magic strikes on Sheila, Sheila falls down while her brother trying to help her out. To prevent Sheila's brother got targetted, Sheila use ice power to freeze Frishica's whole body, but Frishica use her magic to make the ice exploded then ran after them. By the time Frishica tried to kill them, Frishica thinks for a while and stopped killing them and then she ask them not to mess with her again.

Next day Sheila and her brother was chatting with jim said that Frishica is very scary and a monster, jim said that frishica is not a monster and is a very kind girl because Sheila and her brother keeps bullying her. Sheila being persuaded by jim to apologise to Frishica, Frishica sitting on her bed and was disappointed.

Sheila said sorry to her and want to be friends with her but Frishica exploded instead and push her away while Sheila begged her for apology but Frishica keep kicking her to hands off her feet and push her and slammed the door

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Sheila said sorry to her and want to be friends with her but Frishica exploded instead and push her away while Sheila begged her for apology but Frishica keep kicking her to hands off her feet and push her and slammed the door.

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