Red Moon (1)

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Pairing : Son Hyunwoo x Yoo Kihyun

Bang Yongguk (BAP) x Yoo Kihyun

Im Jaebum (Got7) x Kim Seok Jin (BTS)

Casts : Monsta X, BTS, BAP, GOT7, Kim Yura of Girl's Day

Genre : Supernatural au / ABO, Soulmate / romance?

**Before you read, please understand :

1. My lack of Korea's region knowledge. I'm not Korean nor even been there. So if there's mistakes, please understand and do inform me in comment section so I can learn about your country well.

2. This is my first attempt to write about supernatural au world and alpha omega beta thing. So if there is or there are many incorrect stuffs about it, pardon me.

3. French / cringes / it related to the story a bit so I googled some words or one, so if you are originally French people or know about this language, I'm really sorry if there're mistakes here and there. Please tell me how to spell it or translate it in comment section ^^ ( I never had any French language course).

Happy reading ^^


The night was dark, as darkest as it could be.

The moon seemed hanging low, illuminated every path in the wide and thick misty forest. The howling sound of wind and night creatures mixed together, creating a dark and undefined fear that could be felt in the deep core of every creature being ...

A sound of heavy running was heard through a rustle leaves of trees. The man was panting hard yet he refused to slow down. He kept looking at his back and running with all his might to the point where human's strength could no longer sustain that man's survival instinct. All he knew was he was cornered in a blink of an eye by a growling and snarling sound. He was young in age with white complexion, dark brown hair and a good looking face yet his face was adorned with utmost fear and tears. He shook his head in fear and pleaded, "Please, leave me ... I beg you .."

There was no reply but a horror scream that was heard throughout the forest. And after a while, leaving nothing but a trail of blood and an eerie silence ...


Hyunwoo lifted the last sacks of sand that was weighed around 15 kilos. He threw the sacks after doing squat for hundred counts. Instead being in a gym, he found an abandoned construction site and started to patrol around, sometimes when he got nothing to be hunted, he and several men from his pack would exercise using any materials they could find at the site. It was more satisfying to see how his muscles got ripped and toned using real weight of sand and stones.

Son Hyunwoo, the firstborn of the most powerful wolf pack in the Jecheon City of South Korea that inhabited a vast land near the mountains and lakes. His father was a descendant of the origin founders of the city and was given a title as the Guard of The City according his ancestors. The title was given after he saved the town from the dreadful attack of the most notorious pack called Black River. They were actually rogues that came from all over places, united as one and started to terrorize the peace of every inhabited area. Son Hyunwoo's pack was called Silver Phoenix, the same symbol Hyunwoo's father, Hyunwoo and the household had in their arms and chest that would illuminate brightly when Silver Moon showed up or occasionally under ordinary moonlight. Hyunwoo's father told him that when he met Hyunwoo's mother or his mate, the tattoo would illuminate even brighter and caused a slight of pain to the owner. As his father was getting old, Hyunwoo was prepared to be his successor to be The Guardians of The City, an elite and highly trained wolves including the Head Alpha as the Commander, which was under the direct command from Hyunwoo's father as the Commander and also one of the Leaders of The City. Since he was young, he knew he had been given such a burden to be his father's successor who was famous for his reputation all over South Korea as the Commander of The Elite Guardians of the City--to hunt every rogues, manticores, and vampires that disturb the peace of his town and their one and only partner, Danyang county. It was known that the founders of Jecheon City and Danyang county hundred years ago made a pact to guard each other and keep peace between their people. The pact was mutually beneficial for both of them since at that time, Chungcheong Province was terrorized with night creatures that hunt, eat or kill every man or even wolves when they were on the journey at dawn or night. Sometimes there was a sudden attack to a small village where all the people of the village were taken away as their captives, slaves or their meal.

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