Chapter 22: New roommate

Start from the beginning

I hug her back and laugh "hey now I still may lose" I tell her. "Bullshit, hey she may be crazy but ur a pyscho and no one beats a pyscho"!!! she informs me letting me go. Yeah go ahead and say it, I have the greatest support system than anyone. Trust me when I say this, IF I win IF, she is the one that I'm hoping to lose the championship when that time comes. "Well I have a surprise for you after the tag match" she says getting excited and her face lighting up. "What is it?? tell me now"!!!! I exclaim jumping around. "Nope" she says in a sly tone "your gonna have to wait sista, now get ready you guys will be going out soon" she orders. "Fine" I giggle.

It was half way through the tag team match and my boys were dominating Eric and Luke

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It was half way through the tag team match and my boys were dominating Eric and Luke. Bray's eyes were deadlocked on me throughout the match, oddly enough so was Deans. Yeah I felt awkward and nervous out there. Out of nowhere The Wyatts gained control of the match, while Eric was in the ring working Roman he had thrown Roman outside the ring and he landed with a thump and he wasn't getting up. I look over and now there is a full on brawl between Seth, Dean, Luke, and Eric. The ref signaled to ring the bell due to DQ. I was really worried about Roman and ran to his side squatting down trying to help him. None of this was in the script!. "Roman, Roman!! can you hear me"? I say frantically. He still isn't moving though. I reach under the ring for a bottle of water and pour it on him and luckily it works, he wakes up. I cradle him "are you okay"? I question making sure he was okay. Suddenly I feel arms wrapped around me picking me up. I looked down and saw that one of the hands had a brown leather glove. *NO* I screamed in my head realizing who had me. 

"NOOO!!!! Let me go Bray!!!!! Stop" I begin screaming and squirming trying to get loose from his grip. "I told you that you would be mine Abigail" he says in a dark voice. In the process of trying to get free I noticed something. *Oh my god! He has a fucking boner!!!!!!* I scream in my head. "NO no no no"!!!!!! I keep screaming trying to scratch him hoping he would drop me but it was no use. Then out of nowhere I hear a crash and I'm dropped to the ground directly onto my left shoulder. Sure it hurt, but I wasn't injured, hell I was just happy to be out of Bray's grip. For fuck sake did he think I was a chicken or something, I mean that's the only reason I could try to explain his hard on. Dean squatted down to scoop me up. "I'm good I'm good" I say to him so he wouldn't put his hands on me. "Bray Wyatt just fell on you, sell it like you are hurt" he said. He had scooped me up bridal style and I buried my head into his chest and started to scream and hold my shoulder and pretended like I was legit hurt. Call me crazy but he smelled so good.

 After we had made our escape and rejoined with Roman and Seth I felt safe again. Dean set me back down with my feet safely on the ground, pulling my jacket off my shoulder to check it. "Why that's a change of character" Seth said as Dean was checking me. "What? his fatass dropped her on her shoulder and then landed on her" Dean had said. I blushed a bit, but that blush turned to anger when I heard him say this "Other than her face she looks okay". "Not cool dude" Roman said. I turned to walk away at this point with Roman running to catch up to me. "Alex wait" I heard him calling to me. I stopped and turned "WHAT"! Roman stopped kind of shocked at my reaction. "Sorry Roman. He's just really been getting under my skin" I said almost shaking in anger. "Trust me I know, and what he did the other night at the hotel was beyond uncalled for Alex. I just wanted to tell you not to listen to him, he's just confused right now" Roman said pulling me in for a hug. "Listen he told us about the new living arrangments and everything that is supposed to happen on RAW, you don't have to go through this if you don't want Alex" he says looking down at me. "Yes I do" I answered as we started walking again, "if I don't it could be career suicide for me, you know how Steph and HHH are". He let out a breath "Yeah I know. Listen if you need us during all of this you call ME and I'll be there okay" he says once we reach the door to the women's locker room. "I will, thank you Roman" I give a fake smile and a hug before he walks off to get ready for all of us to leave now that the show was over.

 I walked in and Beth is standing worried. "What the fuck Alex? That wasn't scripted was it"?? Beth ask's looking over me making sure I was okay. "No it wasn't, he's gonna get me Beth" I say in a freaked tone. As she hugs me trying to help me calm down I hear a familiar voice "I'd like to see the son bitch try it". I look up at Beth "Is that"???? I say hopeful and then I see him, her brother Larry which is like my brother as well. "You gonna stand there short stack or are you gonna hug my ass"? he says in a smile and I run over giving him a bear hug. Then I hear another voice "Hey now, am I gonna get in on this hugfest or am I gonna have to shake some brains"?. I look back at Beth "Really" she smiled and nodded her head yes, when I turn back around I see the man who gave me my first shot at wrestling and always helped me in life and basically is a brother as well, my old promoter/trainer. "Myke"!!!!! I scream and run jumping up into his arms for a hug.

Myke and I had met back in the day when we were in high school and he wasn't that much older than me. He along with a small group of guys has always had my back. Of course he would always call me out on my shit too like any brother would. We began working together in a little office place that dealt with the government and he was a supervisor. Every month he had a flyer on his wall for a wrestling promotion that he wrestled and ran. When I finally had the chance I was there and it was my first show I had been too. I watched wrestling on TV but in person it was so much more and right then and there I was hooked. He took me on and trained me as a ref, an announcer, and then when I finally bugged his overprotective ass enough he gave in and trained me as a wrestler along with Beth and Larry along side him training us. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for those men.

"Can't breath" I said and Myke let me loose. "Oops sorry about that" he laughed. "What are you guys doing here? This is great"! I asked them as I smiled ear to ear. "Well Beth called and said you have been going through some stuff so naturally we came in to check on you and cheer you up" Larry explained. "Plus we missed you" Myke added. I looked at Beth hugging her and thanking her a million times. This was the surprise I needed. "I did kinda had to tell them about the other night, ya know with Dean" she told me nervously. "Knowing them they probably made you tell them" I said to her knowing exactly how they are. "Did you tell them everything"? I asked her biting my lip. Before she could answer me her brother said "Yeah, she told us EVERYTHING". I looked at the two men and both having obvious looks of anger written on their face. "Yep, and now were gonna take care of that little punk ass Ambrose and then were gonna handle this whole Wyatt Family shit" Myke said and I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Whoa guys, you can't do this. Not right now at least" I pleaded. "Alex the son of a bitch deserves it" Larry said. "I know he does, but we have to do this storyline" I said to then. "Screw the storyline Alex" Myke yelled making me jump. He see's that he made me jump a bit and said "Look I'm sorry, but what he said and the way he is treating you is not okay". "You don't understand, I have a shot at the championship belt. My FIRST WWE championship could be taken away from me and I don't think Stephanie and HHH would give me another chance or a storyline" I quickly explained to all three of them. "Besides starting Monday is when the love story thing is gonna take place and on top of that they said I have to room with him" I added. "Fuck that, kill him" Beth says angrily. Larry was grinding is teeth and Myke was popping his knuckles at this point. "No, let me deal with this okay and after it's over you guys can beat him down" I demanded. "Fine" Myke said earning a shocked look from all of us. "Listen you girls go change and we can grab some dinner and head back to the hotel, our room is across the hall from yours" Myke said calmly. 

Beth and I were starving and beyond exhausted so we didn't object. We grab our Shower stuff and change of clothes as Larry and Myke go into the hall to wait.

"What the hell did you give in to her like that dude"? Larry asked in a confused tone. Myke looks at him "I'll show you why" Myke says with a smirk. Larry caught on and sharing the same smirk he says "you thinking what I'm thinking"?. "I think once we know the girls are asleep we find the asshole and show him why you never mess with a wrestlers sister" he says in a dark confident tone. "That's what I'm talking about" Larry said as they fist bumped. Not long after that we were off to the hotel.

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