e p i l o g u e

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dear, my love, my queen, my wife,

lets do this one more time, for old times sake.

three years with you- three magical years. god how'd i get to lucky? as i'm writing this, you're sleeping with Alycia on your chest, she looks just like you did when you were a baby. she's got your eyes, your nose, everything is you babe. your own little mini me.

you're such an amazing mother it's insane. you're a natural.

it's funny to think how four years ago we weren't even speaking to each other... well, you weren't speaking to me. these letters started it all and it's been way too long since i've written to you. the last time was our wedding day over a year ago.

things just happened so fast after that. four months after the wedding you found out you were pregnant and i swear i've never been so scared in my life, but we both got use to it, and it just made us closer.

how do you manage to do everything so effortlessly? everything you do, you're perfect at it.

thank you my love, for allowing me to grow with you; thank you for being such an amazing wife and mother; thank you for never giving up on me even when i drive you crazy. i wouldn't be able to do any of this if i didn't have you.

you make life easier.

i'll love you forever and always - shawn.


this is over and i'm sad. i'm so sorry it took so long to write and post this; i didn't know how to end this but i feel like it's perfect!

also, that gif at the beginning is how i imagine him looking up at juliet as he's writing the letter and talking about their daughter. he's so damn cute, my heart. i love him so much.

thank you all so much for all your support on this book, i hope you liked it while it lasted even though it's my first book in over a year and a half. you all mean the world to me and i'm so thankful for you. thank you for everything.

i love you all so much - tia

anonymous ; short story/s.m.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ