Chapter 33

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"Mommy, I'm going to Niall's" I softly spoke to my busy-looking mom.

"You're causing me a headache, Liara! Just go!" She angrily said to me, but I knew she didn't mean to, she'd apologize later, like she always do.

I nodded my head although she was already typing on her laptop. Disappointment filled my heart as I walked out of the house and headed towards Niall's house. I had known Niall for about a month and we'd daily visit each other or meet up at the park.

I skipped to Niall's as I felt happiness make its way back to my heart. I always felt like that when I thought about Niall or I was in his company. Two weeks ago, he had introduced me to his other friends, Monica and Louis, they were a year younger than us. Niall's house was a few blocks down from mine, six blocks to be exact, so I arrived there in a short time. I ringed the door's bell and waited. The door was opened by Niall's dad, Bobby.

"Liara, how are you, sweety?" He asked as he smiled.

"I'm okay, uncle B" I beamed at him. "Where's Niall?"

"He's inside in his room, come on in" he ushered me inside, then handed me some candy. "These are for you, enjoy, sweety".

I gasped. "Thank you so much, uncle B!" I said as I hugged his legs.

"You're welcome, sweety" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

I stuffed my candy in my yellow shorts and ran upstaires. I opened Niall's door and stepped inside. He was sitting on his bed with a jar that seemed to be used to save money in, because he had a few coins in it. I closed the door behind me quietly, then took my shoes off. I slowly walked to his bed and climbed on it. "Hey, Niall" I whispered in his ear, trying to scare him, but he didn't even flinch.

"Hey, Liara" he spoke back.

I whined. "How do you know that I am here?"

"You're loud, Liara" he said.

I huffed. "What are you doing, anyways?"

His eyes lit up and an excited smile appeared on his face. "I'm saving up money, so when we grow up and get married, I'll be able to build you a huge house".

I smiled at him. "We're getting married when we grow up?!"

"Of course" he simply said. "You're perfect for me".

I grinned back at him. "And you're perfect for me, too. Pinky promise?"

He curled his pinky around mine. "I pinky promise you that we'll get married when we grow up".


Shaking my head back into reality, I had realized that I had been starring at the file and daydreaming for exactly two hours. The knocking on my office door was knocking me out of my daze, of my shock.

Slowly snapping the file close with the tip of my finger, as if it was burning, I called in whoever was knocking on my office door.

In, came Lisa, Mrs. Wood and Niall. "Are you okay, Miss Honal? I've been calling you on the telephone." Her worried expression made what I just read sink in.

First, It wasn't my fault that I had been kidnapped, opposite of what Niall had let me believe.

Second, he never told me his mother had committed suicide. He said she had fell sick.

And third, he had a son.

So, the third had forced him to accept my job offer. I wondered what he looked like and what he was like. I wondered if he loved him as a father should, or despised him. I wondered alot of things while he stood in front of me, with the same worried expression that Lisa was displaying.

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