Chapter 18

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"Welcome home, sweetheart" the rough edge of his voice that indicated he was not pleased at all, made my blood freeze in my veins, thus causing me to shiver uncontrollably.

I wanted to run, I wanted to yell and I wanted to hide all over again, just so that I don't hear his voice nor see his face, but some of the people that were inside prevented me from doing what I wanted.

My breath hitched as I felt the cold skin of a gun come in contact with the back of my throbbing head.

"Get in" he ordered.

With wide eyes and a pale face, I slowly took a few steps into my apartment, the gun following behind me. Although he couldn't see, he was the most intimidating.

I was expecting to walk in on Niall sleeping on my bed, but instead, I was being faced by Michael sitting on one of my wooden stools, Scar who was one of his guys, having a hard grip around Niall's neck who had his mouth covered with a cloth and his hands tightly wrapped together with a rope, Josh standing like a statue behind a beaten up Archer who also had a cloth around his mouth and hands tied tight, and another three of his guys standing at the back, fully armed.

Nonetheless, Archer and Niall, I could handle, but seeing Sandy, my little step-sister, sitting on Michael's lap, her eyes as red as blood, her tears were being swallowed by the cloth that was tightly wrapped around her mouth, and her hands were wrapped behind her back as well as her legs.

The gun was gone from behind my head and the person went and stood beside Josh. I did not recognize him, that what scared me too, not knowing what a person is capable of, unfamiliarity.

"Surprised?" His voice was meant to taunt me... and it did, very much.

My eyes went to search for Josh's, but he completely avoided my gaze. 'He knew' I thought.

"Speak!" Michael screamed, knocking my heart out of my body.

"Yes" I said, my voice came out scratchy.

He chuckled again. His hand that was on Sandy's waist started to slip down. I watched every move he made with fear of what he was going to do. Sandy started to whimper, seeming to know what he was going to do. Frozen, I watched.

Archer seemed to catch up, since he couldn't see what Michael was doing and started screaming, and tried to get up, but with one hit on the head with the gun by Josh, he fainted. Niall seemed to squirm, too, so Scar knocked him, too.

My eyes went back to where Michael's dirty hand was going and gasped once it came above her crotch. Sandy's yells got louder and I tried to run at him, but the strange guy came at me and pushed himself over me, making me fall on the ground and pinned me down.

He covered my mouth with one hand and faced me to look at Michael and a screaming Sandy. One of they guys turned on a stereo that I didn't remember having, to some Punk song, covering Sandy's muffeled screams.

Michael started rubbing Sandy's cliff so hard that I wished for death to take me right then and there. The poor girl did not know what to do except to scream out of pain. My lungs were burning because of how much I screamed at him, but he was busy.

As I continued to scream at him that I'd do anything if he stops and let her go, but he didn't listen, he kept going on. My eyes were spilling tears, making my vision blurry, but although of that, I could see the blood that started staining her pink pajama's bottom. He was hurting her and I couldn't do anything.

I only had one choice left and I was going to risk doing it just for Sandy's sake. With all my might, I managed to pull out one of my legs from under the stranger's knee and hit him with all my might on his balls, making his grip loosen on me. I pushed him aside, grabbing the gun from his back. Once he was on the ground beside me, I didn't hesitate to point the gun at his temple and let the gun shoot its bullet, causing him to die, along with my fear of unfamiliarity.

Quickly getting on my feet, I pointed the gun at Michael who seemed pleased with this. Josh, Scar and the other guys were pointing their guns at me.

"Let her go!" I growled at him over the deafening music.

I looked down at Sandy's pants, only to see that blood was staining more. Michael stopped and chuckled. He threw Sandy off of him, making her fall on the hard wooden floor and pass out.

The music was shut off, but I only had my attention for one person. "You fucking monster!" I yelled at him. "I'm going to enjoy killing you!".

"Silly girl, you thought hiding in New York was a good idea?" He pretended that he didn't know. "Bitch, I own New York".

"Put the gun down, Liara" Scar shouted at me.

Giving him no attention, I kept glaring at the monster that was sitting on a chair like he was a saint. "But, you know what, Michael? I win either ways" I chuckled as I smirked in satisfaction. "After all, I burned down the only thing you cared about the most, along with all the projects you worked on, innocent projects" I spoke, indicating at the building that I was kept in and all the girls that he kidnapped to have a benefit out of them.

"Worthless projects, good thing you kept the best two ones, my favourites, to be honest... you and Mariam" he said with a tone that made my blood boil. "But it seems that I can not find Mariam".

I chuckled. "You never will" I muttered, trying not to look at Josh.

"I will find her! I'll rip the answers out of you" he said, his real psychotic side made an appearance.

"You won't get anything" I growled at him.

"You killed my son" he said, pointing at the strange guy. "I feel sad" he was nowhere near sad, if anything, he looked careless and relieved.

"Flash news, Michael, not all monsters have feelings" I spoke with remorse.

He ignored my statement. "I think it's fair enough to kill someone that relates to you" he said and looked behind him at Archer.

"You know, Michael, you're blind, so stop acting like you're not!" I said, irritated.

The gun that was pointed at him suddenly was empty, as I had tried to pull the trigger to finally kill him. 'Just my luck' I cursed. Michael laughed out loud as he heard me pull the trigger.

"Boys, grab her" he said.

Scar advanced towards me and hit me on the face with the gun, making me lose balance. Next thing, a wet cloth was placed on my nose and mouth. 'It's happening all over again' I thought as I had lost consciousness.


"Where is she?!" Hunter, another one of Michael's guys, screamed at me after he punched me in the face.

I spit out the blood that pooled in my mouth on the ground and tried to refocus my vision. I seemed to lose my sense of seeing as I only could see blurred things. My head was spinning, I have lost so much energy and blood, but I did not spill out where Mariam was.

"I don't know" I muttered, knowing what was going to happen next.

The rope that wrapped my hands behind the chair I was sitting on, was rubbing on my bleeding skin everytime I moved and the one that tied my ankles to the chair had me wishing if I could die on the spot.

Hunter grabbed my face, facing me towards him. "If only I could bash that pretty face of yours, you'd never be able to see or smell or taste anything ever again".


My book really do suck, doesn't it?

I'd say vote and comment, but what's the point?

I have failed this. I'm sorry.

But ya know, I'm a Taurus, and I live by that, so I'm going to fix this as much as I could

I love you

Peace out \/ and stay alive |-/

Aya J

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