Chapter 19

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A cold water was splashed on my face, jerking me up from the black hole I fell in. Looking up, I spotted Josh, not Hunter, and I almost sighed in relief had I not noticed the person who was standing behind him.

Josh stepped back, not meeting my eyes. "She's awake, sir".

"You're dismissed, Josh, but I'd much prefer for you to stay" he said, Josh being smart enough, stayed.

Someone was dropped in front of me, causing me to gasp and look down. I was so much focused on Michael to notice Niall being held by Scar only to be dropped in front of me, injured so bad, it scarred my heart so deep.

His face was black and blue, his eyes barely visible, blood dripped down from several wounds on his bare chest, staining the wooden floor underneath him.

He was barely awake, let alone be able to hold himself up. Michael grabbed his shoulders to keep him in his sitting postion and spoke with his old voice. "This one is too precious to be killed, too precious".

"The fuck you saying?" I muttered, not able to raise my voice any higher, because of the condition I was in.

"You killed my son, Liara" he exclaimed.

I let out a surprised chuckle that ended up turning into a cough. "Keep it real, Michael, that's the least you can do" I whispered. "You didn't care about him".

"He was a good project" he spoke. "So, as I was saying, an eye for an eye, Liara".

I hummed as I tried to see a way out of this. "What's the point of waiting? Kill me already".

"No" he spoke, drawing the word long. "That's too easy, it'll please you. Hunter! Bring them in!" He shouted as he stepped back, Scar guided him to a chair that I had failed to notice.

I looked at Niall, trying to search his eyes for anything, but they were empty. He smiled at me, it was small and seemed to hurt him so much, but he kept it on his swollen lips. "I love you" he whispered, his voice barely audible for me. "So much".

A tear slipped down my face as I looked at him giving up. "I love you more" I whispered back.

The sound of bodies being dropped caught my attention and made me look up. I sighed out in desperation as I looked at each one's face. Archer's injured one, Sandy's, Monica's and Louis'. A lump formed in my throat as I watched each one of them. 'This is all because of me' I thought.

I had ran away to protect them, only to drag them back when they least expected it. I had ruined their lives just by being in their lives. Monica's face was masked by a brave expression, causing my heart to shoot the pain it was feeling all over my body.

"As I said, an eye for an eye" Michael spoke. "Now, I'll kill one of your loved ones".

"What do you want?" I tried to scream, but it came out cracked and scratchy, showing the weakness that my body was suffering from.

I could see Archer holding tighter to a sleeping Sandy, or a blacked out Sandy, and closing his blue eyes as best as he could. Louis slowly looked up at me, he had a few black marks on his face, but they didn't faze as much as the coldness that was coming out of his eyes in the form of daggers. Half of my brain said they were directed at me and the other half said that they weren't meant for me.

"I want to know where Mariam is and I want revenge for my son that you killed" Michael growled at me.

"I don't fucking know where she is" I whispered while trying to untie my hands.

"But you do know who provided her the great escape. I must admit that whoever he was, did a good job at hiding her" he said. "But first, we need to settle my revenge, it's either you choose who dies or I do" he said, a gun was placed im his hands.

He toyed with it as a smirk overcame his face. "Kill me" I said.

Ignoring my statement yet again, he stood up and walked back behind Niall, blocking my view of Louis and Monica. He grabbed Niall's hair and pulled his head up.

"He's out of the options, by the way" he said. "But I still can hurt him".

"They'll come for you" Niall said while smirking devilishly.

"He doesn't care about you, dear Niall"Michael said and tightened his grip on his hair.

"Let's see if he does, Michael" Niall laughed.

During their conversation, I was like a deaf person trying to know what song is on the radio without asking anyone. The other hand of Michael was placed on my face.

"My precious humans" he muttered and returned back to his seat. "Come on, Liara, choose or I do".

"Fuck you" I growled, or attempted to.

"Kill!" He shouted at Hunter who was pointing a gun at Archer and Sandy.

Before I could yell out for him to stop, the trigger was already pushed in and the bullet already took its way into his heart. Archer fell on the ground, taking Sandy with him. I looked with disbelief at his body, trying to find any sign of life, but didn't find any. Blood began to pool under him.

"No" I whispered as I felt several emotions that shouldn't mix. "No!" I yelled as I lunged forward, falling on Niall.


Niall's POV

'He'll come' I thought. 'He will'. I pulled Liara tighter to my chest as I felt her tremble.

Archer's body was still in the same room as we were and Liara could do nothing, but stare at it and tremble.

Sandy was hidden beside me, in case Michael came in and decided to lay his fingers on her again. Monica was in the corner, rocking back and forth while crying. Louis, he was so calm, too calm.

I felt Sandy tab her fingers on my arm. I looked down at her body and smiled as best as I could. Her glassy blue eyes looked at me with fear.

"When am I going home? And Archer?" The young girl said.

Liara raised her head from my chest and turned her angry gaze towards Sandy, making her cower away. "Archer is dead! The only place he'll be going to is the cemetery, next to mum".

"Liara" I warned.

She huffed and pushed herself up. She pointed another glare at Sandy, then headed to Archer's body. I stayed seated in my place, thinking that she needed time.

She caressed his cheek, then his hair. A sob broke out from her throat. Then, she laid her head on his chest and hummed a song that I did not recognize while tears poured out of her pretty eyes. I closed my own, not wanting to see her in that condition.

If only she knew the things I went through, just to save her out of this mess, but I wasn't good enough for her. Everything I touched, I ruined... including her.

Flashbacks of us back when we were kids replayed in my head. One would think a ten year old wouldn't know what's right and what's wrong, but I knew. I knew the danger I was putting her into, but I was too selfish to let her go, too selfish to not be her first kiss, too selfish to not be her first time, so I kept getting closer until I had accomplished the things I had in mind. The day she was taken away from me, was the day I had realized how much I was a selfish bastard.

Louis knew, tried to warn me even, but one look at her, at her shining eyes and bright smile, pulled me closer to her. Every touch from her, made me shiver and want to shiver for life. I knew what I was getting her into, but I was so selfish.

Reopening my eyes. They fell on her directly and unintentionally. 'Please, hurry up, dad' I thought. 'I promise, I'll let her go, just save her'.


Niall... what did you do?

Love you.

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Peace out \/ and stay alive |-/

Aya J

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