Mainly I like to think about how my family are doing, and I wonder how they think I am doing away from them for so long. It suprises me that they haven't tried harder than they have to get me back, but to be quite honest, I'm happy staying here. School wasn't that good and my family was having trouble, really this is a safe haven for me.

This is why I need this thinking time, because it helped me realise that these boys have helped me more than I originally realised.

However, Hakon is still a present and very real threat, he could pop up at any time and ruin the relationship me and Harry have going on. I don't even know how he put that thing on my before, and frankly it scares me that he could have that much power over me without barely lifting a finger.

But apart from that, living here actually was quite fun. The boys were really fun t be around, when they weren't angry that is. As well as having Harry and Niall there. Do I even need to go any furthur as to why I like that?

Just as I got thinking about the boys, Harry appears at the door with a smug look on his face.

"Can I help you, Mr Harry?" I cocked my head to one said with a questioning look, confused as to why he looked so proud,

"Those are the most positive thoughts you've ever had about us." He smirked as he casually sauntered over towards me.

"Oh shut up." I chuckled

He sat down next to me, making the bed move from the new weight applied to it.

"So the only reason for your thinking time was to think how wonderful we are?" He nudged my shoulder playfully.

"No, that was just the only thing you chose to eavesdrop on." I bit back, causing him to chuckle.

"Now come on." I said, turning his head to the side slightly, "Don't lie to me. You know you love us, and me." He mumbled the last part.

"Don't think I didn't hear you." I pushed against his chest, only to find how hard it was.

Harry ignored what I had said, probably to avoid embarrassing himself furthur,

"So what else were you thinking about then?" He pressed his lips together, carefully inspecting my face.

"My family, my life, everything really." I went quiet again, the memories of Hakon resurfacing again.

"Hey, love." Harry soothed, rubbing my thigh with his hand, "You don't need to worry about him. We'll sort him out the first oppurtunity we get."

He moved his hand to around my opposite shoulder and pulled me towards him, kissing my head affectionately. His cuteness made me smile as he continued to rub my arm calmingly. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed, completely relaxed. He then rested his head on top of mine, and his hand started to slow down in its motion of rubbing my arm soothingly.

Our breathing gradually started to get more in time with each other. He let out a big breath, making me laugh quietly.

"What?" he asked, turning to me. His voice was rough from it not being used in a while, making him sound all much more attractive.

"Nothing, Haz." I murmered whilst looking directly into his eyes.

He smiled sweetly, before it turned into a smirk. His eyes breifly flicked down towards my lips, his eyes quickly turning a darker shade of green. He licked his lips in an attempt to get me to mimick his mood. Like he didn't know I already had.

He leaned in, but instead of going towards my neck like I thought, he went in to kiss me. Of course I didn't refuse. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips ghost over mine. Obviously he didn't want to make this easy for me, as I felt him smirk when I read my aggrivated thoughts. He moved his lips along my jaw, leaving light kisses trying to get a reaction out of me. He knew what he was doing, how could I resist?

I waited as patiently as I could for him to come back into the position I wanted him, before I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck. I took him by suprise when I pulled him closer quiet roughly, putting an end to his games. I heard him laugh, obviously pleased with the victory. I raked my fingers through his hair, making him moan in approval.

To my disappointment, he pulled away. I gave him a frustrated 'explain' kind of look. He merely chuckled deeply before I heard a voice in my head,

"Niall's coming." Harry's voice echoed through my head.

I nodded in understanding, before moving a bit furthur away so as not to make him suspicious. It was unlike Harry to try and avoid trouble, but I was grateful anyway.

Promptly, Niall came around the corner, frowning slightly when he caught sight of Harry happily perched on the end of the bed.

"Um..Kate?" I asked, anger evident in his voice, "Can we talk?"

I looked to Harry, as if in approval, only to see him nod once, gesturing that I was allowed to leave.

"Sure, Niall." I answered before walked over to him, only to have my wrist rather roughly snatched into his grasp.



This Isn't Real {Vampire Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now