Chapter 8

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Night One

Everyone but Anthony and Scotty were sleeping in the apartment. Although people like Craig, Lui, David, Brock and Brian had never done anything to Me, I still had to include them in the pranks.

I decided to starts things off with a bang! My first prank was a classic prank. All I needed was some duct tape. I floated into the heist room and searched for some in the drawers. On the 3rd draw I found a new role of duct tape and smiled evilly. Oh Evan, you should've kept that pretty mouth of yours shut. I floated towards the kitchen sink with duct tape and scissors in hand. I cut some duct tape off and halved it. I stuck it to the nozzle and left a gap for some water to come squirting out. I didn't exactly know who I'd get with this prank but it would be funny nonetheless unless it was Brock, then I'd feel bad.

My next task was taking all of the spoons and forks out of the first drawer and finding a good hiding spot for them. Maybe I could hide them in Evan's room? That way if someone was to find them he'd get the blame! So I floated into Evan's room clutching the spoons and forks in my hand. I decided to put them underneath his bed. Underneath his bed was covered by a blanket so you couldn't see straight away where they were.

My last task of the night was to take all of the plates in the house and place them neatly on the floor. Harmless yet affective. One by one I set the plates down being as quiet as I could. I knew that David and Tyler were light sleepers. After 30 painful minuets of placing all the plates in the apartment on the floor I felt my work was done. Now all I had to do was wait until everyone got up! God this was better than having cops chase me.


Morning came and Lui was the first up.

"What the hell" Lui laughed as he saw all the plates scattered around the kitchen and living room. David walked out wiping his eyes, Lui out a hand in front of David stopping him. David glanced towards Lui with a confused expression but looked down seeing all the plates.

"What is this!" David yelled out in a strong Irish accent. I found it hard to contain My laughter but then I remember they can't hear me.

Soon the whole gang were glancing at my master piece. Tyler and Evan looked beyond pissed.

"Alright who did it?" Evan questioned eyeing each member.

"Well we all know it wasn't Brock" Lui said with a chuckle.

"It wasn't me or Lui because I would of heard him" David said as he looked towards the others.

"Same with me and Craig" Tyler said looking towards Evan.

"It definitely wasn't me" Brian added.

"Marcel?" Evan questioned.

I growled as I starred at Marcel. He betrayed me. He was working with Jordan! How is he left back into the gang so easily, yet when I show up and tell them where I was they don't believe me? I understand it sounds very far fetched but seriously!? Marcel is a back stabbing whore wants to get inside Evan's pants!

"It wasn't me dude" Marcel said putting his hands up.


After everyone picked up the plates and put them back, Tyler began approaching the sink. I braced myself. Tyler was going to be truly pissed. I wished I had popcorn with Me. Iwas just floating in the corner watching everyone giving each other suspicious glances.

Tyler grabbed a glass and turned on the tap and water came flying out hitting him directly in the face.

"What the fuck" he yelled loudly. Everyone turned to look at what happened and saw water flying out of the tap. Tyler turned off the tap. Everyone burst into laughter but died down as Tyler sent everyone a death stare. Tyler was pissed.

"Who fucking did it?" Tyler said looking to everyone especially Lui who continued his laughter.

"I didn't do it man!" Lui said honestly. Tyler bought it and looked towards everyone else.

"Better fucking stop with the pranks or I'll rip you limb from limb" Tyler warned storming off to change his top.

Everyone stayed in Silence. I noted that Tyler was a very dramatic man.

"There's no spoons!" Brian moaned as he looked in the dishwasher.

"There's none in the dishwasher! Who took all spoons" Brian said getting aggravated.

"Guys seriously whose pulling these stupid pranks? No one is in the mood for them so quit it" Evan warned. Everyone nodded in agreement. Evan seemed pretty pissed. But not enough for me to be content with. I need him on the verge of a mental breakdown.

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