Chapter 1

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Depressing was all I could describe this period in my life. The squad broke up. Everyone split ways. I've been working at a grocery store. I miss my Friends, they were my family... I miss Jonathan's Pranks!


The constant sound of clicking was all I heard day in day out. Since the gang broke up all I've been doing is picking up a phone and telling someone how to fix their computer. Of all the things i could be doing, I could be playing Mario cart with my friend! But no instead I'm sat here all because the group was no longer together.


Although the group broke up, it's not terrible. I still have Craig but i get that feeling in my stomach when I realise Jonathan isn't coming back. He was an annoying little asshole but he was hilarious at the most inappropriate moments. I've rarely had time to think about the other guys. I'm to busy taking care of Craig.


I miss hacking... I miss my friends... I miss Jonathan. All I want is it to go back to the way it was before. Where we all sat around a couch and laughed at each other. Our secret Santa's were what made me piss myself laughing. I am happy living in this flat with Tyler but I really want to get back out there and be a group again. Tyler's an assassin. I'm scared shitless every night he doesn't come home but no matter whose chasing him or whose threatening him he always manages to text me "don't burn down the apartment asswipe" god I love him.


Working as a plain doctor isn't as fun as working as a gang member doctor. I missed patching the guys up and then hugging me and thanking me for keeping them alive even though all I did was put a plaster on a little tiny cut. I miss everyone. I've been pretty alone since none of us are in contact anymore.


I work at a gym... in 6 months I went from working as a gang member to a gym instructor! I'm always bored and I miss my friends. This isn't how I thought it would end. I thought Jonathan and Evan would be married by sometime next year but no... Jonathan had to leave this world. I guess his in a better place but I miss him. I worry about all my friends a lot. I don't like how we all went our separate ways. I hope Evans okay... god I miss him bossing us around.


I lost my job... I lost Anthony. I lost everything within the spam of 6 months. Anthony left because well... we lost our house. We lost our jobs and I just couldn't take it so I became depressed. I didn't talk to anyone and I ended up breaking Anthony's heart because I knew he could be treated better and loved better than what I could do. I haven't heard from him in 3 months. It worries me, I wish Jonathan was here to guide me through this all. Maybe if he was here he could've save me and Anthony's relationship. He knows so much about everything. I really miss him. I miss the Squad. I miss Jonathan bugging Tyler and then hiding behind Evan when Tyler got pissed. I just miss the old days...


I miss Scotty, I miss everyone. I want my old life back. Where I didn't live with my parents, where I didn't have to stop myself from texting Scotty. I miss his messy hair, I miss his laugh. I miss his big blue eyes. I just miss every bit of him. God I'm such a mess.


I need Jonathan, I need to get out of this relationship with a Kevin. How could I not see that he was of course a drug dealer and wanted. I'm going to get out in jail! I'm gonna be killed. Oh Jonathan where are you now!!!

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