Chapter 5

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"So their having a little meet up?" Jonathan said as he read through the conversation.

He wanted to just turn up and surprise them, but he also felt it was better to avoid them completely. After all he did make their life a living hell. He wanted to see Evan though. He loves Evan with all his heart but there was so many secrets between them. God he doesn't even know What age Evan is! Their relationship was too quick for their own good. But Jonathan had to see Evan even though after this little mission he would be sent to either Heaven or Hell.

He turned the corner going towards their usual spot. Jonathan was slightly concerned on what their reactions would be.

Jonathan was so caught up in his thoughts he bashed into someone.

"Shit sorry" Jonathan muttered.

"It's okay" the guy said sadly. Jonathan kept walking with a confused face. He heard that voice before. Tracing his memory, he stopped right in his tracks.

"Scotty?!" Jonathan said turning back towards the man with blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Scotty questioned as Jonathan walked back towards him.

"It's me Jonathan" Jonathan said removing his hood.

"Your... your supposed to be Dead!" Scotty said moving back from Jonathan.

"Yeah... funny thing theirs a place The House of Lords and it's basically Heaven and hell mixed together" Jonathan said cringing as Scotty looked scared shitless.

"Who are you and why do you look so much like Jonathan!" Scotty screamed.

"Woah Scotty calm down" Anthony's voice rang as Jonathan heard footsteps behind him.

"Come here fucker" Tyler said grabbing Jonathan and pinning him to the wall.

"What the fuck!" Jonathan yelled as he tried to push Tyler off of him.

"Guys I swear someone is trying to spy on us with this Jonathan look alike!" Scotty said glaring at Jonathan.

"Holy shit..." Evan gasped as he laid eyes on Jonathan.

"It's me you motherfuckers!" Jonathan frowned, he knew this wouldn't go down well.

"Maybe it's Delirious!" Lui said as Tyler kept Jonathan pinned.

"Or maybe it's me Jonathan! Guys are you serious right now it's me!" Jonathan said as they all started at him.

"You're not Jonathan!" Evan screamed.

"I am Evan, I am Jonathan why don't y'all believe me?" Jonathan said, he felt like crying. His best friends don't believe him.

"Say something Jonathan would say so" Evan said walking closer to Jonathan.

"Like what!" Jonathan said as he was able to push Tyler off of him.

"Then your not the real Jonathan!" Evan said pushing Jonathan.

"Ouch! Evan what the fuck man?" Jonathan hugged. He felt his heart break.

"Hold on!" Jonathan said as an idea formed in his head.

"Great his stripping for us" Tyler snorted rolling his eyes.

"How do you know all the tattoos Jonathan has?" Evan said as he admired the well known artwork of Jonathan.

"Because I am Jonathan you dipstick!" Jonathan said throwing his arms in the air.

"It's dipshit" Tyler corrected.

"Whatever WildKitty!" Jonathan said as he cautiously looked around him.

"Jonathan?" Evan questioned. Jonathan turned back to the gang. They all had shocked faces.

"What?" Jonathan snapped.

"Jonathan!" Lui said hugging Jonathan.

"Wait now y'all believe me?" Jonathan said confused.

"Only you could insult Tyler and be fearless about it" Craig chuckled as they all had a group hug, but Evan was spaced out.

"Evan?" Jonathan questioned walking towards him.

"You were alive all this time! And you didn't think to come find me. I was depressed! I didn't eat I barely slept because of you!" Evan said banging his hands on Jonathan's chest. Evan was crying his eyes out.

"I wasn't alive! I was dead. There's this place called House of Lords. It's Hell and Heaven mixed into one. They gave me this stupid mission to kill This guy called Kevin to determine where I go" Jonathan explained.

"You lied to me all our relationship and then you go and tell me this made up bullshit! You could just tell me you don't want to be with" Evan said as the others glared at me.

"What the fuck? It's not made up!" I frowned.

"Bye Jonathan" Evan huffed as he began walking away. The others followed expect for Scotty.

"Man I believe you" Scotty said as he patted Jonathan's shoulder.

"I do too man" Anthony said as he stood next to Scotty.

"I know his hard to believe and I know I lied but his just going to coldly walk off like that? What a little bitch!" Jonathan hugged as he turned the other way, Scotty and Anthony following closely behind.

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