16: Heart of Steel

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Aiyama was hyperventilating her breathing. The stab wound that Madara gave her should have killed her.

But it didn't.

She was on her bed unconscious and weary. Her mind was blocking certain actions. She didn't want to think about how Madara tried to kill her. Betrayed her...

Yet she still loved him. She couldn't stop what her heart desires. However, he broke her trust. While her brothers were crowding the room.

Tobirama on one side of the bed as Hashirama was on the other. Even after Hashirama and Madara's conflict and the end of the friendship, Aiyama still met up with those two Uchiha brothers.

"Aiyama, please wake up..." Hashirama pleaded sadly. He sighed while still, fresh tears stained his cheeks.

After that attempt to kill her. He left her heartbroken and grief...

As she opened her eyes after the fifth day of being in a coma. She saw Hashirama sleeping on her leg as Tobirama was staring at her.

"You trusted an Uchiha. Now, look at you. Useless and pathetic." Tobirama commented while he scrunched his nose up. Then Hashirama woke up. Seeing his elder sister was awake.

"Aiyama!" he tried to hug her where she was comfortable and not hurting. Which she still wince while she still didn't say a single word.

Her mind was always on him.


Madara was nearly out of it. It has been a day and still, he couldn't sense her chakra. Where would she go? Tobirama and Hashirama took on another route in hopes to find her.

He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't found. He wanted to apologize and know that she was safe. But this war and enemy ninja lingering in these parts of the land, he wanted to find her before they do.

He nearly growled but he spotted a village in a distance. Perhaps she was there? Or stopped there probably? He wanted answers and he would get them no matter what.


Aiyama was met by Kabira and Aoi outside her inn. She swallowed thickly seeing them. Not knowing what their intentions were. She nodded at them as a greeting.

"Aiyama... why don't we talk along the way to our village?" Aoi offered. Aiyama looked at them confusingly. She wanted to ask what village they were from but didn't.

She nodded and followed them. The walk was further away from the Water Country. Which Aiyama hadn't known, or else she would have declined.

"What do you two want with me?" Aiyama tried not to sound rude but her words did. Kabira chuckled before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You may not want to hear it. But if you know the full story, I'm sure your perspectives would change on the world as it is." Kabira had said while their walk was coming to a small pace.

"I'll listen..." Aiyama nodded promptly which caught their eyes. The two smiled in unison before Aoi decided to talk.

"Yes we come from Takigakure but hear us out," Aoi spoke but Aiyama took a step back and was about to take a kunai out. Her eyes were wide in more fear. Did they want her? What do they want her for?

"No, we will not harm you anyway. This world is corrupt, yes. But if you hear us out then you can either follow us. Or leave..." Kabira offered her the options. Aiyama closed her eyes before she sheathed her kunai back in its cover.

"What is it?" Aiyama snapped her head at them. She was quite furious she is talking to people who were loyal to Takigakure.

"Our father is the leader. He wants to get rid of the corruption the Daimyo had spread throughout our nations. Infecting many villages. That's why the revolutionary army started by us that had taken actions. We want to stop this war. But villages like the Leaf, won't happen any time soon." Aoi had said trying to make Aiyama feel better. Not thinking she is scathed by these two.

"What do you mean of the Daimyo? He is saving our nation! He helped our village by lending money to us. I don't understand..." Aiyama looked defeated as her eyes navigated elsewhere.

Their pace was slower but still, they all walked. Aiyama was confused and wondered if she was lied to by her brothers? Or even Madara... Every time she thinks about him, shivers were sent down her spine.

"The Daimyo wants to earn the respect and trust of the village. Deep down, these feudal lords are corrupt. They kill many innocent people. They let some of their own people starve on the streets. They execute for the wrong reasons. That's why some villages rebel against them." Kabira had said which made Aiyama deeply think. Perhaps she was glad she left. Or else she would be on the wrong side.

"Would you... help us?" Aoi turned his attention to her. She looked bewildered, but she couldn't put her mind in the exact place.

"I... don't know." She responded as her breathing hitched. She didn't know why her insides at this point were twisting.

"You can meet our father... once you know him, he is a nice man," Aoi said once more before Aiyama was looking at her feet.

Her eyes widen in surprise once she felt something spike within her as a warning. "M-Madara..." she squealed out. Aoi and Kabira looked at her.

"What?" Kabira looked at her. She didn't know why she would say his name. It wasn't like they haven't heard of him before. Of course, they had. He was a powerful warlord of the Land of Fire.

"I can sense him." She turned her head back to the village from a distance. She growled beneath her breath before the other two caught on.

"Ah yes, let's get going."


"I'm telling you, Uchiha-sama that this woman is no longer her." The innkeeper tried to tell him which he wasn't buying it. He pushed passed her in hopes she was lying.

He thought he felt her presence here at this inn.

But he found himself frowning once he opened the door that she stayed in. He nearly flipped over the table in the corner.

He wanted to rip his hair out. He finally got Izuna back on his feet and now the woman he profoundly loved has gone rogue. Wanting nothing to do with him.

He had two days before he would meet up with Hashirama and Tobirama. If they couldn't find her in the three days, then they were to meet back at the Leaf.

Madara closed his eyes before he bit his thumb and pressing it down to the ground.

A summoning jutsu.

A large brown feathered hawk appeared. It looked at Madara with its black charcoal orbs waiting for a command.

Madara smirked... this bird will find her. Indeed it will.

"Find her... you know who I mean." He caressed the top of the bird's head before setting the bird free.


"I don't think she came this way..." Tobirama dryly says which Hashirama laughed. "Well, it's worth a try. Maybe she went towards the enemy territory. We don't want her falling into their traps." Hashirama sighed this time not wanting to hear more scolding by his brother.

"If we can't find her? Then what?" Tobirama eagerly had asked. He didn't want to think about what dangers his sister could be in. But it etched his mind greatly.

"We'll have to classify her as a rogue ninja of the Hidden Leaf then..." Hashirama shook his head with trepidation yet again.

But the thought was there...

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