4. Perfectly Imperfect || KNJ

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Genre: Romance / Valentine's Day drabbles.

Pairing: Kim Namjoon / Reader.

Prompt: "How do you always manage to look so captivating?"

Words: 814 words.

Working late is no unordinary feat for Kim Namjoon, a regular occurrence that comes in sequences of three throughout each week. Though this is often breached by four or five nights on the occasions when the release date for a new mixtape enroaches like a tsunami, where the build is gradual and there is a brief moment to dwell, but the tidal wave rushing to the shore comes in a blink of an eye and it is catastrophic in its destruction, wholly unavoidable. He and his fellow producers are the genuine victims to this with every new comeback due to a sole, plaguing factor titled procrastination.

Ultimately, the hours that he slumps through the apartment entrance can range from ten in the evening to three in the morning, with no telling of which end of the spectrum the arrival will dwell nearest to, since the creation of art is a timeless process. Nonetheless, no matter where the hands of the clock are poised on the face when he returns home, she is awake, patiently waiting with a drowsy gaze that absolutely needs to ensure he has come back safe. Although he urges that she does not waste precious sleep on him when she has a job of her own to attend the following day, he cannot help the twinge of delight that nudges his heart when he discovers her at eleven-thirty in the evening upon the couch, barely paying attention to a soap opera, or at two-fifteen in the morning amongst the bed sheets with reading glasses perched on her nose, a dog-eared book splayed open with one hand.

For a Saturday, Namjoon is particularly early, mostly due to the pushy hands that shoved him out of the studio with demands of: Go see your girlfriend, dickhead. You've been here all week! Exceptionally early, that once he jostles open the lock of the front door and breezes into the living space, it is to find her gaping at him from the dining table where she methodically works at her laptop, glancing between his grinning, dimpled face and the time displayed on the wall clock. The hour hand is still reaching for the nine, situated between that and the eight.

"W-What are you doing here?" She sputters, pushing herself out of the chair and its legs scrape against the hardwood flooring with a short squeal of protest. A tiny smile is inching its way onto her lips as she transgresses the room, towards his open arms, and Namjoon muffles a groan into the top of her hair when she gently collides with him. It is one of muted frustration, of desiring to see this beautiful delight blossom on her features every time that he returns home.

Namjoon sways her in his bind, chastly kissing her hairline. "A certain pair of demons forced me to come back early tonight because I have been neglecting a special little someone this whole week."

She chuckles against the fabric of his sweater, thick with the scent of his cologne. "You mean Yoongi and Hoseok?"

"Yeah," he laughs and gingerly pulls away, palms coming up to cup her lightly flushed face that still remains to be wrought with joy, "Those evil bastards."

"Well, they're seeming like angels in disguise, for once," she teases, proceeding to push herself up onto the tips of her toes, hands braced against his chest. "Hey, kiss."

Not a man to ever oppose her desires, Namjoon effortlessly closes the distance with a scrunch of his nose at how unbearably adorable she can be. Her mouth is warm satin, slipping smoothly against his own and he feels the way that the heat in her cheeks continues to flare beneath his fingertips, most especially when the tip of his tongue graces the tender flesh of her lower lip. When they separate, he cannot help but hold her in position, unmoving as he observes the mirth that shines in the deep colour of her iris, the soft shine that glimmers on the rose of her mouth. She is so beautiful that his chest tightens, lungs taking a sparse second to remember how to breathe again.

"How do you always look so captivating?" He murmurs into the small space between them, and if anything, she burns brighter, a star cupped in his palms.

"I'm literally wearing old sweatpants, my hair is unwashed, hence the scraggly ponytail," she ticks off the flaws like groceries on a list, tapping her fingers in time on his collarbone, "and I am without make-up, nor a shower since this morning!"

She will chide him for it later, the excruciating cheesiness of his response. Though for now, she basks in it as Namjoon leans down again, dusting kisses over every inch of her features, whispering the words that he means wholeheartedly against her skin.

"And yet, you still manage to shine."

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