Chapter 18 - I Ain't Leaving

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1:05 pm

"There, there's Gabby, Matt, Adam, Kim, and the rest of the gang." Erin whispered to the group as they walked in 5 minutes late.

"What took you guys so long?" Gabby asked, moving the items she'd used to save their seats.

"Hank was late again." Andrew told her.

"Well, you haven't missed much. The principal is just giving a speech." Kim told them.

"Are the boys okay? Cody looks a little off. Is there a bruise on his face?" Adam asked, squinting to try and see him better.

"I have no idea. They were fighting this morning and drove here separately." Jay told him, rolling his eyes.

"Well, that explains it." Matt chuckled.

"Hey, Cody's about to give his speech!" Emily whisper-yelled to the group.

"What's he giving a speech for?" Will asked.

"He's the class president." Andrew reminded him.

However, before Cody could stand before the podium, he collapsed unconscious on the stage floor.

Gabby, Matt, Will, Erin, and Jay instantly ran to where he laid on the floor, joined by Landon and the principal and superintendent of their school.

"Damnit, I knew this was a mistake!" Landon groaned.

"What? What're you talking about?" Will and Erin asked him.

"His brakes went out or something and Kaden and I found him unconscious in his car in a ditch on the way here. He claimed he was fine so we just came here." Landon said.

Meanwhile, Hank called for an ambulance and stood with Emily and Andrew.

"Is Cody dying?" Emily asked Hank, concerned for her brother.

"He can't. He isn't allowed to die. I've already seen my real dad die and Cody is not joining him!" Andrew told her before Hank could answer.


At Chicago Med, 4:05 pm

"Cody has a concussion and some bruising on his face. He passed out from the concussion, so he needs lots of rest." Dr. Choi told the Halstead clan in the waiting room.

"So, he's alive, right?" Andrew asked, needing assurance.

"Yes, he's alive."

"Thank God!" Emily said, the weight being lifted off of everybody's shoulders.

"Can we all go see him?" Landon asked, diplomas in his hand. Everybody had insisted that Landon stay and graduate, and that Adam and Kim stayed to see it, along with Kevin and Alvin. They'd all came immediately afterwards.

"Sure, just don't get him too excited, ya know? Keep him calm and relaxed. He's in Room 7." Ethan said before leaving the group.

The large clan made their way back to see Cody.

"Hey, Code. I got ya something." Landon told him, pulling out his brother's diploma.

"They gave it to you?" Cody asked.

"Somebody had to get it to you after you dramatically left graduation." Landon said sarcastically. "But in all seriousness, I'm sorry for this morning. For fighting and then for taking your word for it and not taking you to a hospital and -"

"Hey. We're good." Cody told him, Landon nodding.

"Cody, if you ever scare us like that again..." Andrew started.

"...we'll end you." Emily finished.

They all chuckled as Emily and Andrew gave Cody a hug.

"What? Did you two think I was dying?" Cody asked them.

"It came up, yeah."

"Well, don't worry. I ain't leaving ya too soon." Cody said, smiling at his family.

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