Chapter 3 - For the Sake of His Family

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August 17th

"Hey, Landon. Twin brother whom I love, wake your ass up! It's our birthday!" Cody told Landon, jumping onto his bed.

The family was still in a hotel, and would be for at least another week while people went in and tried to remove the odor and fix the smoke damage. Cody and Landon shared one room and Jay, Erin, and Emily shared one across the hall.

But this day was very special, it was all of the kids' birthday. The twins were turning 14 and Emily was turning 9.

"Cody, get off of my bed." Landon said, rolling over and trying to continue sleeping.

"Nope. Happy birthday and all, but I'm afraid I'm not going to leave you alone. At least, not until we continue the tradition."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Let's go!" Landon said, perking right up and getting out of bed.

It had become a tradition ever since Emily turned 1 that the twins woke her up by singing happy birthday and then throwing donuts at her.

They ran to the hotel lobby and found that they had a few donuts that were being served for breakfast. They grabbed them and then hurried back to their parents and Emily's room.

Cody knocked lightly, hoping it would be Erin or Jay who answered, and to his luck, Jay opened the door.

"Happy birthday guys." Jay told them quietly as they walked in, knowing the plan.

Landon and Cody jumped on their sister and began singing "Happy Birthday." At the end of the song, they both smashed donuts in their sister's face.

"I was hoping you'd forget about the tradition this year." Emily said as she wiped donut residue off her face.

"But how could we forget?" Landon exaggerated, his hand on his heart, being dramatic.

"Landon, you did forget." Cody said, hitting him in the head.

"Well, happy birthday to us." Emily said, grabbing a donut and eating it.

By this time, Erin had woken up.

"Happy birthday to all 3 of my beautiful children." She said, hugging them all.

"Do we get presents?" Emily inquired, making them chuckle.

"Yes, you get presents." Jay said, setting them on the bed.

Emily got the new White Sox jersey she wanted, Cody got gift cards to different restaurants he frequented, and Landon got cash.

"Thanks mom and dad." They all said before Landon asked a question.

"So, we don't currently have a house to go to, so what're we doing today?"

Jay and Erin looked at each other, not really knowing.

"I have an idea." Cody said, stepping in to save the day for his brother and sister. "Let's go to a White Sox game. They're playing the Royals today, so I think it'd be fun."

"Yes! I could wear my jersey!" Emily said in excitement, Erin and Jay grateful Cody suggested it.

Erin's phone suddenly rang, it was Hank.

"Morning." Erin answered.

"Hey. Tell my favorite grandkids happy birthday for me. Also, I hate to say it, but we caught a case."

"What? It's my kids' birthdays!"

"I know, but I can't pick and choose when people get killed, can I? You didn't call off today, neither did Jay."

"Fine, we'll be there. Text the address of the scene."

When Erin hung up, the kids knew what was happening; they wouldn't be with their parents on their birthday.

"I'm sorry guys." Jay said, hating that he and Erin had to work.

"It's your job, we get it. We can call Uncle Antonio and see what he's doing today. Or Aunt Gabby and Uncle Matt." Cody said, trying to make his parents and siblings feel better about the situation.

"Yeah?" Erin asked, surprised at her son. "Man, he sure is growing up."

"Yeah, no problem. And if they're busy, we'll go find something to do, don't worry."

That was just Cody's personality; he made everything seem okay for his family and put off his own feelings, just for the sake of his family.

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