Chapter 6 - School

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August 26th

"Guys, get up! First day of school!" Erin and Jay called as they walked into the twins' room.

"You're freakin' kidding me. It isn't even September!" Landon groaned as he pulled the blanket over his head.

"Well you know how to read a calendar, so congratulations on that." Jay said sarcastically, pulling the blankets off Landon.

"Cody, my darling son, get up." Erin said, being sarcastically sweet as she sat on his bed. "Wait a second..."

Then Cody walked into the room.

"Code, what the heck?" Erin asked, standing up off his bed.

"What? I've been up for an hour now. Oh, and my bed? I sleep with a lot of pillows; it just looks like there's a body in it." Cody smiled, knowing he'd fooled his parents.

"Where've you been for the hour you've been up?" Jay asked, neither him or Erin having seen him.

"I went for a run, called Uncle Will, and took a shower. You must be deaf if you didn't hear me." Cody told them, jumping on Landon.

"Wake up, Hank Jr." Cody told him, harassing his brother to get him up.

"I hate school though." Landon groaned.

"It's your first day of high school, how can you hate it already?" Erin told him, gesturing for Jay to go get Emily up.

"I've hated it for the 9 years leading up to this day, something tells me this won't be any more fun." Landon told her as he got up.

"Okay then. Well, as long as you graduate high school, I don't care. But that means 4 more years, starting today, so get ready."


As the family ran around in chaos trying to get ready, Emily had been watching a video on Jay's phone when she suddenly yelled for him.

"What Em?" Jay called as he packed her lunch in the kitchen.

"Grandpa just called and said you and Mom have to go because you caught a case!"

Jay groaned. "Okay, kids! Erin! Come here!"

As they entered, Jay explained what happened. "That means you two are riding the bus to school today, boys. Emmy, you are going into 4th grade now. You are growing up, right? Yes, you are. That means you are responsible for getting yourself on the bus today. It'll be here at 8:35 so be ready."

"Uh, okay." Emily said, knowing it was the first time she'd ever be left home alone, even if it was just for a half hour or so.

Then, Erin's phone rang.

"Erin Halstead... Hank, we're coming, hold on... okay, I know, we'll be there soon... okay, bye."

"We are trusting you kids, be smart and good luck today. Love you guys. Landon, behave. Emily, no sassing the teacher on the first day. Cody, just keep being perfect." Erin joked, kissing their heads before she and Jay left.

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