Chapter 14 - How Did We Get Here

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"How did we get here? This morning we were literally having a spa day. Now I don't even know if Landon is alive or not!" Emily vented to Adam as they stood outside the hospital.

Adam had taken Emily outside to talk to her because she looked about on the verge of either screaming, crying, or both in the silent waiting room where they'd been for over an hour.

"Em, you know that he's alive or we would've been told to go home." Adam told her in an attempt to calm her down.

"Uncle Adam, I'm serious!" Emily said, sitting down against the hospital.

"So am I." Adam told her, sitting beside her on the ground. "Listen, honey, today turned to shit for all of us. When I saw Landon drop his bat and charge the mound at the game, I knew the day wouldn't be nice anymore. Now, granted I didn't foresee a hospital visit from it, but still. You don't get to choose which days are crappy and which are great. And Landon is the most stubborn, strong-willed person I know. He is honestly more stubborn than Hank sometimes. He's in there fighting for his life and damnit he is going to live!"

Emily sighed and leaned into Adam's side. "I'm scared."

"Me too."


"He's stable. The knife had lots of bacteria so we had to really clean the wound to decrease the chance of infection. Besides that, we repaired his intestines and stomach. He'll heal on his own probably within a month. My guess is he'll be walking on stage at graduation Memorial Day weekend." Dr. Choi informed everyone.

"Thank God! Can we see him?" Jay and Erin asked immediately.

"Yes, but try to limit the amount of visitors at once."

Erin and Jay visited him first.

"Hey Hank Jr. How ya feeling?" Jay and Erin asked upon entering.

"Like I just cheated death." Landon said with a slight smile.

"So, how did we get here? We know about the baseball game brawl, but what happened, honey?" Erin asked him.

"Well, I was taking the shortcut to grandpas because that's where I usually go when I'm heated about things. I made it to that alley when some dude came out of nowhere. I recognized him instantly; it was Drake Matthews' older brother. Apparently, he got ejected from the game too and there were college scouts there for him. His brother stabbed me, looked around all panicked, then ran. I don't think he intended on actually doing it, by the look of surprise in his eyes. But here I am."

"Well, I'll kill him later. Do you need anything?" Erin asked, not even mad about his baseball fight anymore.

"Can someone bring me my phone, my Sox blanket, and my fidget spinner?"

"Yep, he's fine." Jay chuckled, ruffling his son's hair.

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