Only Mine

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The day I first saw him, was the day I found myself completely attached to him.

The sky was a strange shade of gray that day. With the wind blowing faintly and the clouds crying slowly, letting their tears fall onto the umbrellas of those walking down the lonely streets.

I was waiting alone at the dirty bus stop, at exactly 10:30 pm, but the bus never came.

My thin sweater was getting more damp by the minute, and I shivered in the cold.

It was then when he appeared, like my rescuer, bonded by fate.

I still remember the exact words he said.

“You know, this umbrella could fit two.”

I looked up to him, and was struck by his beauty like the lighting struck the earth.

His hair was jet black, styled like a professional. Those dark lashes protected those memorizing blue eyes, as if they were the answer of the oceans. His nose, cheekbone, and jawline was sharp to the perfection at every angle. And lastly, his lips… full, with a tempting softness.

Before I could move to admire his body, he stepped beside me, tilting his black umbrella my way, not bothered by the rain that has landed on his other arm.

“Thank you,”

By then, I had memorized every feature of his face into my mind, letting it cover every last corner of my brain.

The drizzle continued to fall, and the bus continued to be late, yet we both didn’t seem to mind.

I haven't realized that he was leaning against me, or that his warmth as travelled through his cloth and down my arm.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, wanting to remember this, before it was interrupted by the sound of squealing tires.

“That's my ride,”

It wasn't the bus that came, but a fancy black car, with it's windshields whipping the rain on the windows.

I blinked, and looked again as I saw the driver. A beautiful young woman, with her face heavily made up and her dress leaving not much to imagine.

I could feel my mind start the run through the possibilities, and felt a burning anger building inside.


That anger disappeared like it never came, only because he had to smile at me with those dimples I never noticed, and reached out his umbrella handle.

I looked up to him in confusion, and he gestured the umbrella again. I slowly reached out for it and couldn't help but brush his hand with mine.


He whispered into my ear, and ran into the rain, opening the door to the car.

That woman inside tried to kiss him, but he held her by the shoulder and blocked her, instead, looking at me with regret.

I stared back at him, but he glanced away, before pecking the woman on the cheeks and she drove away with a grin.

I guess after is what you called the phase of having a “crush”, but I knew it was more than that.

I found his name, birthday, and address easily, it just simply didn’t take much time or effort, because I knew I needed to know him.

But it wasn’t enough.

Not before long, I knew that his three girlfriends have gone to other boys, and that woman the other day was the one he was currently dating.

That was what had triggered me.

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