My First Love, My Last Life

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Even though we were at a crowded place, full of people chattering, music playing and lovers dancing, I could only notice the strange silence between us.


I flinched.

"Hey," I repeated. He cleared his throat and I almost faced palmed at how awkward we are.

"How have you been?"

"Alright," I answered, wishing we could skip this part.

I stole a glance at him.

He was looking into the ocean of people mingling at the dance floor, with a bright grin on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"This," He said, shaking his head. "It's been... so long. And here we are, in person. It's just… I don’t know how to explain it... like a dream."

I burst out of laughter. He stared at me, at the edge of laughing himself.

"What! It's true. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this day," He spoke for himself.

"Fine, fine. I admit, it's kinda unbelievable."

The silence fell down again, but this time, it was comfortable.

"One question," I started.

"Shoot," I smile at how open he was.

"The letter," I said softly. "Did you read it?"

He didn't speak for what seemed like forever.

"Yes, yes I did." Finally he replied. "Was it all true, do you have feelings for me?"

I squeezed my hands together and sigh.

"At the time... I did like you," With that, we both know it was in the past  "But, that was all foolish acts because I was young, and it was probably the most embarrassing thing I've done."

I've said too much.

"I see..." He said. Another silence washed over us. "You've made a lot of friends?" He questioned, although it was almost like he was telling me himself.

"Yeah, they're really nice. And crazy, of course." I said, peeking at my drunk group of girls shaking with shirtless men.

"And also a boyfriend," He finished.

My smiled was wiped from my face.

I turned to him, and he turned to make eye contact with me.

"Yes... I have a boyfriend." I spoke slowly,  and with caution. "In fact, he should be here by now."

The digital clock on the wall show 11 pm, the exact time everyone was suppose to meet at the club. Instead, I'm here, with my first love, his eyes digging into me.

"He's a cheating boyfriend." He labeled, and I immediately stiffen.

"No, he's not." I defended. "How did you even know I had a boyfriend in the first place?"

"I know..." He continued, "I know everything about you."

"Oh yeah? I bet you don't know the names of all my friends." I challenged dramatically, trying to lighten up the mood, that is swallowing me minute by minute.

He looked into my eyes, into my soul and heart and everything. 

He smirked widely. 

"I do... Tessa, Mary, Julie, Belle---"

"Stop! How... how do you know? We haven't contacted in years!" I raised my voice as fear raised inside of  me.

I felt violated, and cleared out.

Like someone had stalked me, my whole life.

"Of course I'll know! I'm in love with you! For years, even before you started liking me! You still love me, right? I know you do!"

He reached and took hold of both of my arms, painfully gripping them, pushing his nails in the skin of my whitening arms.

"That boyfriend of yours, he's been cheating on you! With your own friends! All those names I've said, he's slept with all of them!”

I tried to shove him away, but he kept his hold on me.

“Me! I'm the only one who is loyal to you! I'm the only one who deserves you!” He shakes me.

"No, you are insane." I exclaimed, "I would never love someone like you, and I never should have." I stepped back with so much force, I wasn’t sure if my arms were intact. "You are insane," I echoed. "A stalker, a creep. Get away from me and never speak to me again!" I shouted, wanting so bad to run away and forget everything.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, as I shrieked.

"You'll never leave me again. You're going to be with me forever and ever. We'll be in love and have a perfect life together. Not bothered by anyone." He ended with a whisper.

"Let go!" I screamed, just as I spotted my friends. "Help! Mary!"

My friend rushed to me, but I went limp as I saw the horror in her eyes.

"Your-- your boyfriend. He-- they-- they found his-- his body at the-- back of the-- the club." She stuttered.

I felt as if my life has been stolen from me.

My friend, she didn't even notice my first love, who had a deathly grip on me, as she crumpled in fright.

"I told you. No one will bother us ever again." He ran both hands over and around my waist, and I shivered.

“What happened to you? What has made you this way? You are not the gentle boy I remembered and loved,” I whimpered, and gulped down the lump building in my throat.

“What happened to me? You. It was you who killed me. Don't think I don't know what you actually meant with that letter. You were mocking me. Mocking me because you knew I liked you, didn't you?”

He came closer to my ear, and I went limp.

“Now you're going to suffer. What it felt like, like your heart's been torn out of our body and turned inside out. The pain, let me tell you, it would be unbearable.”

“I've never done anything to harm you.” I whispered, trying so hard to disguise my act.

“Of course not. It was all a prank, a joke anyways, wasn't it?” He said, and I was caught off guard. “The letter’s only purpose was to be a teenage dare.”

At that moment, I felt like all of my secrets have been dug out of me from the deepest corner of my heart.

He squeezed my body towards him with intense force.

“Looks like I found your little treasure,” He breath.

I was choking, all my inner organs becoming one.

“Please...” I gagged, barely making out the words.

My eyes popped out of my body as the pain, no, not pain, as the burning sensation of death itself travelled through my entire body with the blood that had stopped circulating seconds ago.

I could only look down at my chest, as his fingernail became deadly weapons, and place themselves neatly in front of my heart.

Your heart is mine now. I’ll be the one mocking now. There would be no more pain now.”

And he took what was his in the very beginning; the gorgeous, broken heart of a girl who died with no tears running down her face and followed the guilt of all the sins she’s done.

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