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Darkness seems to cover inch of the road, the structures and the hearts of the people. If there were any people.

If it wasn’t for my flashlight, carefully guiding my way through the streets, I would have never came here.

Why am I here in the first place?

My light flicker, twice, and I flinched at the sudden difference.

A spine-chilling breeze runs down my back, but I shook it off. It was only the wind after all. 

There was something in front of me that caught my attention in a flash.

A dark shape, still, over the moonlight of the night.

I squinted my eyes and focused. It couldn't be.

On that cold road, lay a body, of a male.

He looked around my age, and even from my distance, I could tell he was handsome.

I took a few hesitate steps ahead. Slowly, but curiously.

He was on his bare back, his head tilted towards me and hands spread on his sides.

The bottom half of his body was hidden behind a building. A old, short building.

His own eyes were staring back at me, as if he was telling me to run. Run now.

Those black holes with endless misery. The white was filled with nothing but fear.

His right arm was covered with beautiful tattoo of foreign designs. He was fascinating.

I stopped dead. I didn't want to go anymore near,  but something was drawing me closer. Dangerously close.

Sudden footsteps echoed through the street, and my heart speeds up more than I thought was possible.

The footsteps continued, steady, ahead of me, where the body was.

I held a gasp with the palm of my hand, eyes widening to extreme measures.

The body that the footstep belonged to never appear, but its existence hovered over the boy.

Slowly, but surely, the body began to slide, like someone was dragging it away.

I couldn't see much, but someone was holding the male by his legs, taking him away with his eyes still on me, until it vanished behind the building.

I released my breath.

One step at a time, the sound of my bare foot against the cold cement sounded, and a hard tap as my flashlight landed on the ground.

As I walked pass where the male had once laid, his pool of blood marked my foot step, trailing behind me.

I turned, and saw what was behind that ancient building.

There was no male, only a brightly coloured corner of another building. It was burning my eyes with its light.

Mi, Re, Mi, Re, Mi, Xi, Re, Do, La

The lonely sound of Fur Elise played from that corner, it's creepy music box echo add a drawing tone to it.

I continued the road, turning another corner, searching for that light and that soothing lullaby.

My mouth made a round shape and my body froze with awe.

There was nothing more innocent than a familiar… ice cream truck.

It was decorated with every shade of the rainbow, splashes of glitter spotting here and there.

A childish giggle almost escapes when I saw the sign. I SCREAM. Very clever.

But that laugh never came out because I swear my heart had stopped.

In the middle if my sight, was the window of the truck, and inside that window, stood the server.

She had short bob hair, in the deep red colour, almost brown. I would have said her smile scared me the most,  it was more like a playful smirk, but it was her eyes… she had none.

Two black holes, where her eyes should have been.

“Come,” Her voice was light, and comforting, like a mother to her child. “Come,” This time, she raised one hand and curved her fingers, gesturing me.

I remain at my spot no longer than one second, and took ginger steps towards her, raising a smile from one ear to another, on my face.

I felt like a kid again, with the unsettling excitement you'll feel with the sight of treats and sugar.

“Ice cream?” She questioned, and I nodded happily, staring at the end of her eye sockets.

I was at the very front of the window, and I could almost see the treasures inside the truck if only I was just a little bit taller.

The girl grinned at me, and turned in the small space she was in.

I waited, patiently, but that was until a sudden scent of rotten flesh almost knocked me over.

I gagged.

The girl turned around,  her thin eyebrows knotted with anger. But she held the same insane smile and leaned forward, the fragrance of dead flowers surrounding her.

She was so close I could see the dried blood at the edge of her eyelids.

I swallowed the bile in my throat, and started shaking in anticipation.

“Ice cream,” She repeated, this time in a demanded tone. I nodded once again.

I saw her arm move, slowly coming over to show me what was in her bone-baring hands.

I wanted the sweet creamy ice cream I dreamed of, but I couldn't believe and didn't want to believe what came to me instead.

The strong, tattooed arm of that dead, handsome boy on the street, was balancing on a perfectly wrapped, waffle cone.

Fresh, blood dripped down the side, filled it completely, it's metallic aura entered my nose.

“Ice cream for you, child.” She spoke with joy. “Your sight for me,” And before I could move, she other hand reached out. Her sharp, white nails digs in my brain, and my contact with my eyeballs.

I didn't even scream. But my mouth hung open, as I felt mindlessly toward where my eyes were, feeling the warm liquid spilling out of them.

I caught the scent of that arm one last time, before I broke into a blind run, with her chuckling and the eyes of that boy forever staining my life.

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I'm not very good at writing horror. 😅

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