I Loved You, Just Like I Loved Them

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I am only an original high school student, and just like any high school girl, I have a crush.

He's the handsome, smart and athletic boy in my class.

The one every girl dreams of.

And I was only the non-popular girl that blends in with her popular group of friends.

Or at least I hope they consider me as friends.

There were days where they would ignore me completely and it is only when I speak up, would they notice me.

"Oh, hey, you're still here? I thought you went already."

That is what they would say, and they would go back to gossiping and laughing, and I would stay back and listen to them, only listening.

I've learnt that humans are strange creatures.
They can spill out a lie so easily, they don't even have to think.

On the rare days that the boy come towards me, it is only to talk to my friends.

I see him flirting with her from the distance, and not once had he ever looked at me.

So I silently watched, clutching my butter knife as I ate my lunch.


Today, everything is still the same.

I followed them to our usual table in the cafeteria.

I sat at the very edge of the benches and took out my lunch bag.

In my background, I listen to them talk.
I took out my knife and slowly start to cut my sandwich in half.

"Well, hello again, popular guy." My friend said, and caught my attention.

I look up to see him standing beside her, his hand resting casually around her shoulder.

My eyes stay on them for a long time before he asked, "Who's this girl?"
I quickly dropped my eyes back to my sandwich.

"Oh, she's just someone who always eats with us." My friend said.

In my head, I noted that she had never introduced me as her friend before.

I looked up once again, and met his eyes. But the moment our eyes met, his face cringed in disgust.

I was dead inside.

"Well, I'll see you in class." He said to my friend.

I looked at them under my eyelashes and caught him place a kiss on her cheek, and she blushed pink before waving him goodbye.

I took my napkin and clean the crumbs off my butter knife, and put it in the pocket of my jeans.

I packed my uneaten sandwich back in my lunch bag and put my lunch bag back in my backpack.

Then, I got up without a word, swinging my backpack on my shoulders, trying not to grab attention.

"Where are you going?" She said before I could walk away.

The only day where I don't want you to talk to me, you talk to me, you bitch.

"Oh, just going to the bathroom." I said to her, flashing a smile.

I am human too, and just like anyone, I can lie as smoothly as them.
She nodded and gestured me to go ahead.

So I went out the doors of the cafeteria and walked towards my locker.

Before I got a chance to twist open the lock, I felt a hand on my waist.

He's here.

"Hey, how about we have some fun?" I heard him whisper from behind.

All along he was a player and I knew that from the start.

But I am also a predator who doesn't let go of their prey.

"Okay..." Very smoothly, I dropped my backpack on the floor and twisted around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Finally, he has become reality.

Quietly, we kissed, and when he hid his face in the curve of my neck, I reached one hand into my pockets, pulling out my knife.

My beautiful knife, that I spent time polishing day and night, because I had no one to talk to.

My knife, the one that I eat with, the one that is now in the middle of his heart.

His eyes widen even further as I angled the knife deeper inside his body.

And then he went limp in my arms.

Gently, I placed him on the floor in front of my locker, and closed his eyes for him.

"Oh, I loved you, my dear." I said faintly into his ears. "You were so... unique."

One hand still holding my knife, I use the other to take out a small tube-like container.

With that container, I gather a few drops of his blood inside.

"Now, I have you with me as well." I took out my napkin once again and this time, I cleaned off his bright, red blood.

"I really did like you, you know... Just like Jimmy, and Alec, and Tim, and Ryan, and..." As I skipped down the halls, towards the exit of the school, I sang out the names of the boys I once loved.

Feeling satisfied, I knew they would always haunt me and that made me happy, because this way, they would at least be with me.

They filled every corner of my memory and I would never wish for them to leave.

And for the girls that they'd rather choose over me, they would never be harmed.

They were my friends, after all, and I would never, ever hurt my friends.


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