32-airport & magcon

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Stormies POV
I felt my phone buzz as I was looking outside the window . I pull out my phone to see a text from Nash and taylor and hayes in a group chat. they were talking about magcon tommorow .omg I forgot !
"Carter take me home,now."
"I'm going to magcon to so I'll see you tommorow anyways."
"K..wait how did u know I was going to magcon?" I say in confusion.
he laughs and makes a U turn.
"Carter Reynolds answer me."
Lolzz who else? I'm not retarded .

(10 mintues later.)
"Were here Stormz"
" See ya later " I say doing the peace sign and scrunching my face.
All of a sudden he started to laugh really hard .
"your-face" he says between laughs.
I roll my eyes and walk to the front door to unlock it."

"HELLO" I yell.
I just run upstairs and put on (http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=9989702&.svc=copypaste&id=116579340) I grab my head phones and put on #GETITRIGHT by Miley cyrus and drift off the sleep thinking about magcon and how I'll meet them....zzzzzzz

Ok so um

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