Beach sadness

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We arrived at the beach house. I shared a room with Nash . I was super happy! I chose a bed. I took a shower and put on a black poke-a-dot bikini and black flip flops. I ran to the living room to get nash. when I got down stairs, Taylor looked at me and smirked. I looked at him and walked to nash. the house was pretty big so I had to learn my ways through it.i saw that Nash was already at the beach. I ran to him to give him a hug but instead he had his arm around a red head.
"Nash?" I said in a whisper .
"Y/n I can expl" I cut him off by running to the beach house .
When ran inside I ran into Taylor's arms and snuggled up in his chest
"Y/n what happen ?!"
"I was going I the beach and I saw nash with a girl in his arms smiling"
"He hurt you? I'm going to hurt him 10 times harder!!!!"
"No it's o'" I didn't get my words out someone burst into the door.... it was....

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