Chapter 21: The fuck is your problem?

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Once I turned around to make my way back to Beth I noticed a flash of black take off. I sped up wanting to know who the hell was listening in on my conversation, once I rounded the corner I found out. He didn't look back, but I knew it was Ambrose with the black vest and pants and his brownish blonde hair. He wasn't running, but more or less power walking. He gets to a door and looks back at me shaking his head looking at me. *Great, more drama* I think to myself and went back to the women's locker room.

 On the way back to our hotel I explained everything to Beth who wasn't as forgiving towards Sheamus as I was. I mean that was a given considering how protective she is. "Alex are you insane"? she exclaims in the car, "I mean what makes you think that he isn't planning something"? she asks. "Beth why would he be planning anything, I mean he already lost his bet he had and was humiliated...TWICE" I ask as we pull into the hotel parking lot. "Exactly, he lost his fucking bet and he was humiliated and had his ass kicked twice, BY GIRLS"!!!! she screams showing how serious she was. We parked and went straight up to our room continuing the conversation. "Look all I'm saying is when a guy is shown up by someone of the opposite sex it does something to them and when its done in front of people it really really does something to them" she says changing into her pj's. "It's not like I'm gonna date him or be fully trusting of him, all I'm saying is he apologized and I forgave him and now I can move on" I explain crawling into bed. 

 We were falling asleep when Beth's phone started going off. "Nope, way too exhausted" she says sending the call to voicemail. We both shared a laugh and soon as we said goodnight to each other the phone rang again. "UGH seriously"? she groans reaching for the phone putting it on speaker. Soon as she answered a voice came through the speaker and I instantly recognized the annoyed sounding man as Seth. 

"Hey baby" Beth says into the phone.

"Hey boo, just wanted to let you know we made it to the hotel" Seth responds. In the background we could hear some guy shouting. We knew it was Dean and we couldn't really make out what he was saying.

"Is he drunk again"? Beth ask's him.

"Is it that obvious"? he say's in a exhausted and frustrated voice.

The yelling on the other end of the line got louder and clearer.

"Seriously dude I knew she was a SLUT! She played off that sweet and shy shit pretty damn good huh? huh"? we heard Dean scream and I was pretty damn sure he was talking about me.

"Dude shut the fuck up!!!" Roman screamed

"No you wasn't there Roman. After we warned her about that Irish fuckhead and after the humiliation he put her through she still went running back with him"! he screams again and my blood is boiling and my fist are clenched so tight that my knuckles are turning white. What I heard next is what set me the fuck off.

"Oh hi my name is Alex and I have no friends, it's probably because not only do I screw people over messing with their head for a pitty party but I also screw every guy I see" he says in a squeaky high pitched tone.

I flung my blankets off me and grab the extra key card that we had for The Shields hotel room and ran out of our room before Beth could stop me.

I made it to their room and angrily inserted the key card into the slot and soon as the light turned green I busted in the door. I walked straight in and just as Dean raises his bottle of Jack to his lips I slap the bottle out of his hand and I scream "What the fuck is your problem Ambrose"? and all three men are looking at me in shock. "Huh Ambrose? I'm not so shy now am I"? I yell as he slowly rises to his feet towering over me.

"No but you are still a slut you little scammer" he yells earning a punch to the face. I'm not sure if it was the punch or the liquor but he stumbled a bit. He started breathing heavy out of anger looking at the ground while Roman and Seth pulled me away from him. We heard banging on the door and we knew it was Beth, but Seth and Roman wouldn't leave my side in fear Dean may do something that he would later regret because he was so drunk. He looked back up at me slowly and a evil smirk playing across his lips. Now I'm really regretting my actions and regretting coming in here. "You are still a little slut Alex, I saw you and your boyfriend tonight" he accuses. "He's not my boyfriend and he apologized and we left it at that" I defend myself. "Yeah fucking right. You were probably screwing him and Orton at the same time and feeding us a sob story in hopes of fucking one of us I'm sure" he says in a dark tone. "Liar" I scream moving closer to him. He moved closer to me as well, we were so close if I had been taller we would have been nose to nose. "Tell me something Alex" he says his smirk growing larger. "Does Sheamus know about your problem"? he ask's me and I'm confused by the question. "You know what I mean, Slice and Dice mean anything"? my eyes grow large as Seth and Roman look at each other confused. He was actually going there, that bastard. I'm froze and he takes an arm in hand wiping the make up off my scar's and some recent wounds. My eyes water, I can't breath. Seth and Roman look at each other shocked. "Has he seen these Alex"? he ask's. "What about the ones here"? he ask's placing a hand on the side of my thigh. Why? Why is he doing this?. I'm gonna puke. "I bet you make him turn off the lights before you fuck him so he doesn't see them. hmmmm sounds about right" he says almost laughing. I stand there quietly before putting my fist right to his nose causing it to bleed and taking my knee as hard as I could to his gut making him fall to the floor in pain.

 I begin crying and rush out the door as Beth moves to the side not knowing what had happened. I took off in a sprint. I had to get away, away from him. Roman begins SCREAMING at Dean and Beth is still standing confused. Seth noticed her and went straight to her. "Baby please go with her, now...something just happened and I don't want her alone. I'll tell you later okay. Love you" he says to her with concern written all over his face. Beth runs down the hall after me as Seth closed the door and begin going off on Dean as well.

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