Jane follows behind, "Wait, why am I coming?"

Roger sits down, "Well, dear," and he reaches for her hand, "I was just hoping my darling girlfriend could keep me company."

"Aww," Jane smiles.

"Hey," David Gilmour says, "I get to stay back here with mine, isn't that right, Kay?"

Kay giggles, "That's right, dear!" Then, David and Kay start a pleasant little chat with Nick, Rick, and John Paul Jones, while Jimmy just pouts.

"What's wrong now, princess?" Lee sneers.

"Nuthin'," Jimmy replies. He continues on, just playing with a little hair tie around his wrist. Lee rolls her eyes, and starts talking with Robert Plant.

Over on Queen's boat, Roger ends up manning it, and in The Who's boat, it falls on Roger and Megan.

In the boat with the guys from ELO, Stephanie proudly declares, "I will handle this boat!"

Bev laughs, "Haha, no you're not," and he whispers, "Jeff, please handle this!" Jeff runs to the console, and Bev sits down with Stephanie, who is apparently unfazed by the little switch up.

On yet another boat, Mick sasses, "Okay, I think we can all agree this would be best left in Rod's hands!"

Gina sasses back, "Wow, baby! I'm amazed you don't insist on doing it!"

As Rod silently starts over, Mick says, "Well, dear, sometimes I know when a job is better left out of my hands."

Gina kisses Mick, "Wow, darling, I'm impressed!" The two of them sit down together in each other's arms.

Back on our boat, Stu, Grace, and David call in unison, "All ships forward!" As if in perfect formation, the boats all start forward.

Judy shouts at us, "They are boats, not ships!"

Lily snaps, "Whatever, at least they didn't call them bananas or something else completely off."

Grace shouts, "Thank you, Lily!" We all tow on forward, and

On our little boat, Hannah says, "So, Jon, we were asking about your love life!"

I start huffing, "Well, you know, I think the bigger question right now is where are all of my band mates?!"

"I'm right here!" Rick shouts from the floor, "Steve Howe is down here, too!"

Hannah squeals, "Oh, my goodness! Steve Howe, is that you?"

Steve replies, "Yep, in the flesh!"

Rick sasses, "Wow, what am I? Chopped liver?"

Grace coughs and says, "Eww, no!"

"I'm only the greatest keyboard player in this whole campsite," and he grimaces, and then shouts at Camp Folky Assholes' boat, "MR. EMERSON!"

Keith shouts back, "Oh, no, no, no. What are you trying to start?!"

Hannah laughs, "Its pretty obvious. He's saying he's better then you."

Keith rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I didn't need that clarification..."

Elisa hugs Steve Winwood, "Oh, darling. I'm happy you don't get in these petty little fights."

[I'm sorry, but this is the only way to explain Steve's reaction:]

[I'm sorry, but this is the only way to explain Steve's reaction:]

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Elisa laughs, "Well, okay then, Steve!"

Judy slaps Steve on the back, "Take pride, Steve. I actually like you."

I decide to stop listening to their conversation, as it sounds really nasty... I'll be honest, I can't handle nasty things.

Hannah begins, "So, we were asking about Jon's love life?"

Rick squeals, "Oh, my goodness Jon! Please tell us all of the details!"

I give Rick a weird look and say, "Whoa, why do you care about that, Rick?"

"Isn't it obvious?" and Rick sits next to him, "You are my little friend and I care what happens to you."

Gina waves from her boat and says, "Aw! It is so sweet how everyone care for Jon!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Hannah sasses, "Now just tell us!"

Judy shouts, "Is this even a relevant question? I'm not even sure if Jon has passed puberty yet."

"I absolutely have!" I snap, "And, I'll have you know that I know what sex is!" Damn, that was loud...

"Well," Judy says, "You didn't understand some pretty blatant sexual innuendo. I mean, Lily and Keith were obviously out fucking last night and you thought they were killed by a bear!"

Lily snaps, "Whoa, we were not out having sex! You honestly expect me to break up with one guy and screw another in the same night?!"

"Yes," and Judy laughs, "And I'm very impressed with you, dear. You chose his enemy. Very, very well done." Lily and Keith roll their eyes, and Judy continues, "Anyways, you just seem so innocent it seems hard to believe you are ready for a relationship."

Katherine shouts from across the river, "Brian and I think he's ready!"

"Thank you, Katherine!" I shout back.

"Don't mention it, honey bun!" Katherine shouts back.

Sara finally comes over, and hands me a cupcake, "Well, how do you like that?" she asks.

"It's absolutely delicious!" I respond. As if it were nothing, Sara grabs a hold of my shirt and begins kissing me, and naturally I kiss back. "Eh, someone had to make the first move!" she says as she starts playing with her hair.

Kay leans over from her boat, "I ship you guys so hard!" Wow, Kay likes shipping people, doesn't she?

Megan starts working at her boat even and says, "Oh, my God! Little Jon has a girlfriend!" Basically, everyone on the river starts to clap.

Steve Winwood kisses Elisa out of nowhere, and then he sasses, "Wow! I don't get applause when I get a girl?"

Judy sarcastically claps, "Whoopee-de-do! We are all sooo proud of you!"

Elisa snaps, "Judy, was that necessary?"

"Um, yes?" and Judy laughs, kissing Bob's cheek as they both share a joint.

Keith pats Steve on the back, "It's okay, man. Most of us don't get applause..." I lean back in my little seat, and everyone continues conversing with all of their boat mates. However, I swear I can hear some lurking in the corner...

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