Chapter 2

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I was in a beautiful dream, that I can't even remember anymore, when I heard 'Teenagers' by MCR play. I opened one eye slowly and reached out to my phone. I hit snooze and fell asleep again.

After 5 more minutes the song started again. This time I opened both of my eyes and sat up right in my bed. I groaned, but listened to the whole song because MCR is amazing.

When the song ended I turn my music on and listen to a mix of my MCR, P!ATD, TØP and Green Day songs.

After eating breakfast and taking a shower I put in my earphones and walked to school. It isn't that far from my house so I walked every day.

I enter school and after a less then a minute I'm surrounded by a lot of people. Why they are always around me, I have no fucking idea.

My friend Chris walked up to me. We high fived. I smiled brightly at him.

"Hey, Phil. How's it going?" He laughs.

"Everything's fine, mate." And with that we walk into the school.

I feel like people always stare at me. I don't even know why. Is it because I have piercings? My tattoos? My Black clothing? Is it because they think I'm 'sexy'? I don't know and I don't care. They can do whatever they want as long as they don't bother me.

The school day went by slowly. Almost too slow. Like every friday, my last class was Art. Not my best class, but it was cool. We had this amazing art teacher, mr. Way. He was chill and his art was so cool.

I walked to the class with my friend Chris. He was talking about some boy he liked but I didn't really listen to him. We said our goodbye at the door of my class room because Chris has music, with mr. Iero, and not art. I think mr. Iero and mr. Way are a thing, but I'm not sure.

I walked inside and sat down on my usual place in the back corner of the room.

When I sat down I saw that there was some book on my table. It looked like someone's sketchbook. It was a brown sort of leather. (I'm just describing my own sketch book)

Should I tell mr. Way about it? Nah, I'll look for a name and give it back in person. That's a much better idea.

I opened the book on the first page but there is no name or adress.

There was nothing writen on the first page, but there were four silouettes drawn on it. It looks like it are a boy around 14 or something and a little boy who was deffinitly younger then the first one.
There was also a woman who looked like their mother, proticting them. The fourth figure looked like a man, but he was further away from the little family. The little family walked to a sunset, but the man walked the complete other way.

Under the drawing was a quote from 'Welcome to the black parade' written. It says 'One day I'll leave you, a phantom to leave you in the summer to join the black parade.' What would this drawing mean? (Dan's dad didn't die. I just like the quote)

I decided to take the book home and think about it later. Mr. Way cale in and told us to start with our drawings. I was drawing a lion. Because why not, I love lions.

I couldn't concertrate because my mind cept going back to the book without a name in my bag.

I get a My Chemical Romance album from my mother. I really want to have that album.

(Update: I got The Black Parade. I really want Danger Days and Three Cheers.)

What is your favorite MCR song?
I can't choose, there are so many good ones.

Love you all


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