Chapter 6

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Okay. I need to tell him. I need to tell Phil my feelings about him. My 'Philings'. God I'm lame. That was the worst pun ever.

Stupid head. Face palming randomly (in front of the school gates) is maybe the reason why I'm not popular or only have two friends.

I adjusted my light pink and white flower crown on my curly hair. I took a deep breath and stepped inside the school walls.

There was this little park like thing around our school and it looked perfect in the moring sun. Some trees started to color brown, yellow, orange and red. The colors were so beautiful. I wanted to draw it.

I went to grab my sketch book from my bag, but then remembered that I lost it. I wasn't gonna let this ruin my good mood. Nope not gonna happen today.

I walked to the building when I heard footsteps coming near. My two friends came walking next to me.

"Well hello, Daniel. Nice to see you again." Louise joked. I slapped her (in a friendly way) on her shoulder and laughed. I couldn't even hurt anyone even if I wanted to. I'm just too Nice and weak. (my phone made from weak wealthy. Just wanted to share that)

"Hi, Louise. Hi, Peej." I said to my friends.

"So what is the plan today?" Pj asked.

"I'm going to try to tell Phil about my feelings for him." I said shyly.

"Good and maybe this loser here" Louise hut Pj on the back of his head "will follow your lead and tell Mr. Kendall that he has a crush on him since the first time they met. In primary school." Louise said.

Pj always had had a crush on Chris Kendall, Phil's best friend. He was cool and Pj was head over heels for him.

I see Phil standing alone reading something and I decide this is a good moment to talk. I say goodbye to my friends and start walking away.

"Good luck." Louise shouted after me. Pj just nodded.

I walked up to Phil straightening my white skinny jeans and pastel pink jumper. I took a deep breath and taped Phil on his shoulder.

He turned around and closed the book. The book must be something special to him because he held it close to his chest. Scared that I would take it.

"Hi... um I'm Daniel. But you can call me D-Dan...." I stuttered. I facepalmed mentally.

Phil smirked "Hi Dan, I'm Philip. But please call me Phil." He winked at the end. My heart skipped a beat. Holy mother of Jesus. I turned a deep shade of red. Almost as red as my art teacher's hair. (remember that the art teacher is Gerard Way)

"I-I just wanted to say that I um that-" I searched for words. Then my eyes landed on the book in Phils arms. It was mine. I could recognize it everywhere.

"I- I just wanted to ask if I could maybe- only if you want to... Um get m-my book back?"

Phil looked shook, dissepionted and happy all at the same time. I don't know how it was possible but he managed to do it.

"Wait a minute okay?" Phil asked smiling and took a pen and a piece of paper from his bag. His wrote something down and put it in my book.

"Here ya go." He said and smiled again. When I was about to turn away he winked at me. Help. Me. I'm gonna die. 

I opened the book and took the note.

Hi Dan,
Your book is beautiful like you.
Meet me after school at the back of the school.
Phil ;)

The bell rang and school started. This would be a good day. I could feel it already. 

Sorry sorry sorry. I am the worst author ever.
I'm so sorry for not updating but I had a busy summer.

Ugh school starts next week. Help.

Thanks to everyone who reads my stories and this one will probably end soon.

I love you all
>•< Deathsunny>•<

A book without a name [Phan]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz