Recruiting || Chapter 7

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I finally have her. I finally found her. After all these years, she's finally here. I'm glad my search has finally come to an end. Now the girl can become what she was destined to be. A Traveler. Becoming a traveler is the best job to have at hand. Travelers have more respect then others, if you ask the society we live in today. Traveler's have greater responsibility then others, and I'll make sure she's ready for it. It's what her mother would want. It's what others would want too. She stops in front of a colorful door. She pulls out a type of card, and slides it in the slot provided.

The door within seconds open, revealing another white room with a narrow hallway. She enters, fanning her hand for Allison to follow. She walks steadily down the hall. She looks at the different compartments as she passes by, with people examining in on others. She saw as some people were getting technical implants in there arms, while some were getting recharged. She knew this probably awed Allison and turned back to take a glance at her. As she predicted, Allison was staring with her mouth gapped.

"Where are we?" She heard her ask.

"This is the hospital station. People come here when they are harm, or in need of assistance." Wanda answers. She leads her into another, but shorter hall.

They walked together a little bit further, until they enter another room. This room was similar to the one they entered not so long ago, but the only thing different about it, was the curtains on either side of each compartment. Wanda stopped at the first compartment in the front. She pulled the curtain back and gestured for Allison to enter.

"In here." She whispered. She didn't have the heart to disturb others while they attend there needs.

Allison followed suit, and entered the compartment. Once she entered, she entered as well closing the curtain behind them. She walked over to the back wall and tapped her hand against it. When she did that, a virtual computer screen appeared on the wall.

"What are you doing?" Allison spoke up.

Wanda waited a minute, before answering her question. "Recruiting you."

After that she didn't get another question out of her. So she just continued on her tasks; recruiting. She tapped on a new file, and began typing in new information. She was of course going to be filling in information about Allison. Some she already knew, and some she had to ask about. So she began with the first question.

"How old are you?" Wanda ask with a pause of her typing.

It was silence before she spoke. "I'm sixteen."

She quickly typed that in before moving along with the next question. "Birthday?"

"August the twenty-forth." She replied slowly.

"Eye color?" Wanda asked next.

"Um...there green." She said.

"Height?" She asked right after.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Allison asked.

"Before I can recruit you properly, I need to know all information about you. Including personal information." She said the last part as a whisper before getting back to her inputting.

While she typed in all the information she could get from Allison, she couldn't help but think about how she would adapt to this environment. Would she catch on as fast? Would she even fit in? All thoughts came to her, which made her slightly concern for the girl. But even though she knows her mother, she don't know anything about her. She wants to know more about her, but she knows that her kind isn't allowed to show such affection towards humans. She got caught with her mother. She doesn't want to put her daughter at risk. Once she was done inputting, she tapped a certain button on the virtual computer. Seconds later, a small key card came out the slip.

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