Axton || Chapter 6

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She stared deeply into the lady's eyes, speeches as she could be. She didn't understand. She didn't understand why all of this was happening, why she was even here. Something wasn't adding up. For one, the lady already knows her name, but how? She's never seen this women. Then she remembered what the old man said in the alley, You were destined for this. What was she destined for?

"I suppose you have questions to ask don't you?" The lady asked.

All she could do at the moment was stare up at her. Instead of a simple reply, she nodded slowly for her to know she was listening.

"Well as you must wonder, my name is Wanda. I am an agent for the school of Axton. I help recruit new comers such as yourself." Wanda said as she took a glance at her watch.

"And won't you look at the time! We must get you recruited right away. Follow me." Wanda stated, and started walking away in a fast steady pace. She must of known that she wasn't following, and turned to look back.

"Well aren't you coming?"

"No. I'm not going, not after what happened." She said.

Wanda stopped dead in her tracks. She turned and faced her.

"Now I know that we got off on the wrong feet, but time is in our hands right now." Wanda said more serious then before.

"I don't care. I want real answers. Why am I really here?" Allison threw her hands up in the air in frustration.

"We can discuss that matter later, right now you have to come with me." Wanda reached out and grabbed her hand.

She pulled her hand back, "No! I want to know now. I'm tired of going place, to place without a serious explanation." She didn't realize she was yelling, until she heard her voice for herself.

She looked to see Wanda's stern expression. Her eyes once again, looked like stone. While she looked at her, she realized she had stunning features. She had her black hair tied up into a bun in the back of her head. Her cheeks we're plump, with a roesy shade of red to them. Her cherry red lip stick stood out great to make her look more attractive.

 Her cherry red lip stick stood out great to make her look more attractive

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"I knew it would come to this," Wanda paused to remove her glasses. She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking steady breathes. "You don't know do you?"

"Know what?" She asked. She was becoming confused on what she was trying to say.

Allison studied Wanda, as she watch her squeeze her eyes shut, as if trying to say something that wouldn't come out.

"A dear friend of mine. She was such an outgoing girl, pretty in every way imaginable. She use to come on trips with me all the time. Always helping me when I needed her the most. She never saw anything or anyone different in her eyes. That's what made her so different, so unique. We use to go on adventures all the time until," She paused for a moment, meeting her eyes. "Until she met a guy. He was an outsider. He came from you're time, the present. She fell in love with him and made a decision she thought was best. She left here to go with him. She gave up everything just for him. Everyone was devastated, even I was. That is when we heard that she soon died after giving birth to a child. The pain she brought us..." Wanda finish by quickly wiping a tear from her eye.

Allison had the urge to say something, but she remained silent. She didn't know what Wanda was trying to say. She hates to admit, but she was starting to feel a bit scared from what she was saying.

"That child grew up in the world of the outsiders. Becoming one just about. Unknowing of what it really is. That child is you." Wanda whispered the last part slowly, but she heard all right.

"What?" She looked at Wanda with wide eyes. She felt her own tears about to well up, but she held them back.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She really couldn't. All her life she's been wondering what was her mother like, and now all of a sudden it all comes crashing down. She bit her lip to keep from screaming out.

"My mother, she's from here?" Allison speaks for the first time out of the silence in the room. "How...I-I don't understand."

"I know all this may seem confusing, but I'll help you understand to were your really from." Wanda says placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"And I'll help you understand to what you're destined for."

"What am I destined for?" She asks.

"You're mother was a Traveler, so that makes you one." Wanda says.

"A Traveler? So my mother visit different states?" Allison ask again.

"Not quite, but better." Wanda answers with a smile.

"Better as in?" She urged on.

"I think that's enough questions answered for today. We really need to get you recruited." Wanda says, her smile disappearing once again.

"Recruiting? What's that?" She would like to know what that even is or mean.

"Enough said, follow me." She says urgent and walks away.

As confused as she was, Allison had no choice, but to follow. She had to if she wanted the answers she's always wanted to know. And possibly more.


Sorry for the long wait.

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