Alleyway and surprises || Chapter 4

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There were noises in a distance. Besides the noises, were the sounds of traffic taking place. The poor girl, known as Allison was conscious on the alleyway ground, with her hair dangling free over her face. She's been in this state, for awhile, haven't awaken since the machine brought her here. If she awoken, there is no telling how should would react on such short notice. It is after all her fault of this happing...


She started to stir from her sleepy state, as she blinked her eyes a few times to ageist them. She slowly moved to sit up, but fell back from the pain of her throbbing headache. She groan trying to recollect her thoughts from earlier. But before she could think clearly, she wanted to know why was she even on the ground for crying out loud! She tried to move to get up a second time, and succeeded as she wobbled dizzily on her feet. It took about nearly ten minutes, before she finally balanced herself. She looked around, trying to make out her surroundings, to see where or how on earth did she end up here.

She slowly turned to look at the bright light up ahead. She felt like...something strange happened, but don't know what? Instead of sorting out her thoughts, she began walking towards the light of the alley. Each step she took, she thought she could see buildings coming to her view. She felt as if something was off, like something wasn't quite right.
She ponders her thoughts, until she sees an old man near a trash can. She cringes by the sight of him.

The way his coat had rips in it, and his dirt-stained pants, she was guessing he was homeless. The man turned to see her longing stare and stared back.

"Things changed, little one." The old man spoke as he dug into the trash looking for cans.

She looked at him puzzled, wondering what did he mean by change? She quickly averted her gaze and continued to walk ahead. She did not have time to hear an old man's crazy sayings.

"Things changed little one. You might not believe me, but eventually you will Allison."

She stopped in shock, as to know how this man knows her name. She quickly turned on her heel to face him.

"Who are you?" She asked. It wasn't hard to tell that fear was lingering in her voice.

The old man just ignored her question and continued on.

"Society has become more advance as years past. The way people use to live is no more." The old man finally said, while he began to push his cart of cans down the back of the alley.

"What do you mean?" She asked again. The man just continued to push his cart until darkness began swallowing him from sight.

Her patience with the man began to grow thin as anger began to rise within her. Who was this man, and how did he know her name?

"I asked a question. How do you know my name!" Her voice was almost a yell as, her voice echoed against the alley walls. To her surprise the man stop. She could only see his outline from the gleaming street light.

"Tails my little one. I've heard stories of an outsider, as yourself coming among us futuristic one's. You we're destined for this." He spoke, but this time as a whisper. He then pushed his cart again, as he was now out of sight.

The only noise that could be heard, we're the rattling of his cart. She had the urge to go after him, but thought it was safer to stay where she was. The words played back in her head, as she wonder what he meant by outsider. She stared down the way the old man went, until nothing, but silence was heard. She slowly turned back around, and headed towards the bright shining light up ahead. The man had to be crazy to say such things. She wasn't going to let his nonsense get to her.

As she finally stepped out into the light of the alley, her breath was suddenly taken away. Her mouth was formed in an "o" for the shock state she was in. The sight held before her was literally unbelievable. Or was it? She felt as if her eyes we're playing tricks, and suddenly began wiping them rapidly. She stopped, frozen in her place when she kept seeing things, that look so much in reality. This was not the woods...

"I must be seeing things..." She examined with uncertainty.
The way things moves about in this particular reality, she only wondered... Where is she? How did she end up here? What where the outcomes? More thoughts began popping in her head as she continued to stare off into space. Her mouth opened slightly at, the floating objects that took the feature of a car. She watched as they flew freely down the weird curvy streets.

What really caught her off guard we're the weird metal-like beings, that took features as humans. The sight of that was amazing to see from her own eyes, but it scared her in reality.
Her breath hitched, at seeing the way things were.

As if on instinct, she broke out into a run, while she pushed passed things she couldn't even name. She pushed her legs, as far they would take her, afraid to even look back at the world around her. While she ran, she took a glance at her surroundings. She saw strange things, unlike what she was use to seeing on a daily basis. The only thought that went through her head we're, where am I? How did I end up here!

Unaware of where she's running, she runs into something so broad, that it knocked her off her own two feet. She came in contact with the ground immediately, and wince slightly from the impact. Once she caught her breath, she slowly sat up to see what could have knocked her down so....painfully. While she looked around her eyes landed on a tall lady with business artery on. She scanned her head-to-toe and realized she had weird clothing from hers. She definitely got a kick out of the pointy hat placed upon her head. If she wasn't in the state she was in, she would have been laughing by now.

The lady then bend down and examine her with great suspicion on her face. It was silence for a few minutes, until the lady spoke.

"What is you're name young one?" She asked while staring daggers at her.

She didn't even think she could speak. The way the lady looked at her sent shivers down her spine.

"I'm waiting." She spoke again, but this time more impatiently than before.

Swallowing the dryness in her voice, she mustered a few small words.

"I'm Allison.....Allison Paige." She spoke with a crack in her voice. She wished she could just run away or anything to remove herself from this situation. But knew nothing would save her now.


I thought about making a few changes in this part of the story to make it sound better then before. The sneak peek I gave in the proluge is going to get switch to this. Just wanted to give you all a heads up, just in case you all got confused:)

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