Yui's 1st Day

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•Chapter 10•

♡Denia P.O.V♡


"Andrei, where have you gone to?" I asked, looking around my castle garden; he told me to meet him in the park as it said in the letter he had left on the pillow. I looked in every bush and behind every tree, and still no sign of him. I began to become worried as I sat on the nearest bench, "sorry I was late, dear," said a familiar voice in a gentle whisper. I gasped in surprise before laughing. "Andrei, you gave me a fright," I laughed, slapping his arm. He growled playfully, sitting down and pulling me in his lap, "I've missed you, my princess; I hurried my meeting just to see you!" He said, nuzzling his face into my neck.

I closed my eyes to the feeling before pulling him into a passionate kiss; I pulled away and opened my eyes. Instead of seeing Andrei's face, I saw the evil king's son's face rather. "I'll see you real soon, my love, and this time, you won't get away," he threatens before laughing.

~Dream Ended~

I jumped up and gasped; I quickly looked at my surroundings and realized I had fallen asleep in Laito's room, which was currently resting on my lap. I looked at the time to see it was going to be a school in the next hour, "Laito," I whispered, kissing his face, his face scrunched up before he turned over to look at me. "Yes," he said, wide awake now, "it's time to get ready, brother; time won't take long, ok?" I told him, smothering his cheek with kisses. He yawns and nods, kissing me on the cheek before going into his bathroom.

I went to Yui's room to wake her up, knocking on her door to hear no response; I entered her room. "Yui," I called out as I walked to her bed; I sat beside her, softly shaking her shoulder. You see her blond hair poking out from under her covers; Yui is so cute! I chuckled. "Yui, wake up; come to my room to get ready together!" I said, a little excited. She shifted before slowly sitting up and rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes, "ok, I'm coming," she said, getting out of bed and putting on her slippers.

We walked out of Yui's room and into my room; I had both a shower and bathtub in my bathroom; I ran a bath for Yui and turned on the shower for myself. "Yui, we are going to bathe at the same time, ok? I already ran your bathwater; I'm going to hop in the shower and then call out for you to come in, ok? " I explained to her; she blushed before nodding in agreement. After we both bathed, we put on our uniforms and shoes; I decided I'll do Yuri's hair "you have such soft hair, Yui, like baby hair," I complimented. Yui blushed a little "thank you, Deni-chan," She said shyly,
I styled her hair in a cute hairstyle.

After doing Yui's hair, I did mine by putting it down and straightening it; grabbing Yui's hand, we headed downstairs. Making it on time, all of us got into the limo; I sat in between Reiji and Subaru today; I rested my head on Reiji's shoulder as I held Subaru's hand; neither of them minded; Reiji continued reading his book as Subaru continued looking out the window. During the ride, Ayato and Laito mess with Yui, Kanato talks to Teddy, and out of boredom, I played with Subaru's hand, my throat began to feel dry, and my eyes turned red. I quietly moaned in annoyance as I blushed; Subaru sensed my distress and gripped my hand tighter; I don't know why but when it's time to feed, I get frustrated.

I tightly closed my eyes and nuzzled my nose into Reiji's shoulder, making him look down at me; seeing my face, he brought his head to me "we're almost there, hold on," he whispered, "ok," I said, as I try to relax. A few minutes later, we arrived at the school, and we all got out of the limo "Ayato, take Yui to her class; Denia and I got to do something," Reiji told him as we disappeared into the school. We went into the basement of the school, we sat down on a bench, and Reiji unbuttoned his shirt; I blushed, not being used to Reiji offering his blood to me.

He pulled me to his lap. "I don't want to hurt you, Reiji," I told him; I usually try to avoid drinking from the brothers so I won't hurt them and go hunting, sometimes bringing them with me. "I'll be fine, Denia; I prefer if it's me in pain rather than you," he established, gently pushing my head to his neck; having no other choice, I gently bit Reiji's neck. Reiji has a unique taste and texture of blood; the surface is like Red wine but the taste hints at dark chocolate. Once I was done, I removed my mouth, licking the running blood from Reiji's neck; I kissed the side of his lips "thank you, Reiji," as I helped straighten himself out.

Reiji felt embarrassed, hiding his face behind his bangs; I laughed a little before grabbing his hand to head to class. We entered our classroom and sat next to each other "where were you two? You were almost late," Said our teacher, "I apologize; I was feeling dizzy earlier and couldn't really walk, so Reiji helped me," I explained to the teacher. "Are you ok now? Do you have to go to the nurse?" The teacher asked, worried; students started murmuring among themselves.

"Is Denia-chan sick?"

"I hope she's ok."

"Good thing Reiji-sama was there."

"They have such a cute relationship."

The students said. I giggled as Reiji blushed, pushing his glasses up and clearing his throat, "no, I don't have to go to the nurse; I was just dehydrated; Reiji gave me water, so I'm fine now. I appreciate your concern," I told him, smiling at him; he blushed before beginning his lessons.

(2 Be Continued)

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