A New Beginning

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•Chapter 2•

Thousand Years Later

♡Gardenia P.O.V♡

[Picture: The Evil Kings Son]

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[Picture: The Evil Kings Son]

I woke up in what seemed to be a cave. As I sat up and looked around, my eyes caught a silhouette of a man; as he walked closer, I began to see him. Hungry and confused, I stare at him with a blank look. The way he smiled at me gave me an unsettling feeling in my stomach "it's nice to see you again, my love," he spoke in a velvety voice. I frowned "do I know you?" I asked, keeping my eyes only on him.

He chuckled "yes, you just don't remember me. But I know you very well, Gardenia Tepes; I went through a lot to finally have you in my grasp," he said with an evil and mischievous grin on his face.

Feeling threatened, I hiss at him, making him flinch. "I'm becoming annoyed with your game; tell me who you are and what you want!" I hissed, regaining my composure. He looked at me with a severe face. "Remember when your precious empire was destroyed by a jealous king, resulting in losing the life of your parents and husband?" He asked with his head tilted like a confused dog.

He mentioned that horrible event left a bitter taste in my mouth, "yes, what of it?" I asked quietly, not looking at him; he sighed before crouching down to my level "it wasn't the king who was jealous," he said, cupping my face.

My eyes widen slightly "what do you mean?", "the king was just only part of the plan that went, well, beautifully. You see, I've always wanted you, needed you, and loved you ever since we were children, Gardenia. We were supposed to rule all Vampires and take over the world: just you and me. But as time went on, we never saw each other until I saw you at your 18th birthday party. I couldn't believe how beautiful you'd grown to be. I just wanted to ravish you at that moment, but my family and I weren't invited to your party, so I had to stay incognito until I finally had you to myself".

I listened to him as he talked and couldn't help but think about how creepy he sounded. He almost said as if he was obsessed with me.

"When I thought I finally had you to myself, I saw you talking to a human. Bonding, connecting, flirting, I realized I felt a bitter feeling in my chest and stomach. A weak, vulnerable, pathetic human prince of Norway, that's funny," he said, laughing bitterly, making me growl at him, "oh, I'm sorry, I offended your dear Andrei. But I can't help it. He took you from me. I set up the whole thing. The king wanted your parents dead to take over your kingdom, but I? I just wanted you, so you know what I did? I soaked the king's sword in wolf bane because I knew your husband was going to be his next target," he said, smiling sadistically. I was flaming in anger, but I could control my emotions very well.

My hunger was building up, but I hid the burning pain in my throat. He got up and turned his back "all the king had to do was stab Andrei one time, which he did, and since your husband was still a newborn pureblood, it killed him easily. So now I have you to myself, dear Gardenia" he finished turning back to me.

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