A Past of Tears

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[Picture: Gardenia Tepes]

•Chapter 1•

♡Gardenia P.O.V♡

I remember when there was a time, I felt so happy, and my parents, who were king and queen, gave me all the love and care in the world. The kingdom worshipped us, loved us, respected us even after knowing what we were, and feared what we were. Everyone loved how well mannered, how well-spoken, how blunt but respectable I am, even my parents.

 Everyone loved how well mannered, how well-spoken, how blunt but respectable I am, even my parents

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[Picture: Vladimir Tepes, King of Romania & Vampires, Father of Gardenia]

Vladimir Tepes, the well-known ruler of vampires and powerful king of Romania as well as my father, always put me first before his business; he was there for my birth, my first steps, my first words, my first set of fangs, and my first birthday party. I was always daddy's little girl, even my mother,

[Picture: Maria Tepes, Queen of Romania, Mother of Gardenia]

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[Picture: Maria Tepes, Queen of Romania, Mother of Gardenia]

Maria Tepes, Queen of Romania, cherished the father-daughter moments.

Father always said I looked exactly like him but had my mother's personality. He would say, "I could look at you and can tell you'll be an amazing queen one day" I would never understand what he saw and meant at the time because I would look in the mirror and would see me.

At age 16, my mother began to talk to me about meeting the love of my life, my soul mate; she said, "when you see each other for the first time, it will seem as if nothing else matters but just you and him, then you'll know, he's the one for you," I didn't understand what she meant either until my 18th birthday party.

My father and mother knew, and people from the kingdom were invited. I was greeted by kings and queens from different countries and was given unique things worldwide.

I danced with some kings and princes, some queens and princesses, and even some people from the kingdom. I separated myself from the party and walked to the living room doors out the balcony to take a break when I saw someone already there.

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