"What I'm trying to say is that he gives me hope that I could be normal but I'm not going to force him to do anything that he doesn't want," Reyna told the wolf, finally meeting his eyes. She wasn't surprised by how neutral the animal remained, not giving away anything in the slightest. "If this is some kind of meeting to let me know that I'm not wanted then fine, consider me noted. At least Leah had the decency to actually tell me."

The animal didn't move as she suddenly stood to her feet, she didn't wait for it to as she began to run in the direction that Emmett and Jasper disappeared in.

Her head spitting multiple scenarios at he where she didn't let her annoyance get the better of her. she could have been patient, kinder. She knew that some of the Cullen's had to wait decades or longer to meet their mate but Reyna believed her situation was different.

She knew who he was, his imprint on her made her realize over the newborn bloodlust that settled in her- he had squashed it down, given her something else to focus on. He was minutes away form her, she had seen him, been within reaching distance. She didn't have to wait to find him because she already knew it was Embry but he did not want her.

There was something about the possibility that kept her positive about the situation but now the skepticism only seemed to be reinforced by the amount of time that passed without any form of contact.

It didn't take her long to come across Emmett and Jasper, both hunting within a short range of one another. Jasper was already a few animals in, that she could tell by the bright glimmer in his eyes when she came up to him.

He was bent over a mountain lion, the animal dead and slumped in his arms. She admired the clean kill, the pelt in perfect condition.

Emmett was in a different situation when she found him. He had yet to feed and was in the middle of tracking a bear that he had caught the scent of on the way here.

She had taken it as a challenge, her instincts kicking in and she darted off with the boy on her trail angrily. She pushed herself to run faster than him, her size making it easier for her to dart through the trees at a blinding speed.

He reached out for her, hands grazing at the back of her shirt and she yelped. She launched herself forward, summersaulting through the air and onto the ground before she jumped up to her feet- racing ahead of the boy with a laugh.

She could hear the howls of wolves in the distance, the border a few miles away from her but she didn't let it bother her this time- pushing it away forcefully out of determination to not let them ruin this moment for her.

It was easy to find the bear, it was holed away in a cave- deep rumbling snores echoing from within. Reyna let out a peal of laughter as she looked over her shoulder catching sight of Emmett's angry expression.

"Shouldn't have taken a break and went straight for the bear!" she called to him. She darted into the cave, ready to wake the sleeping bear.

Walking toward the Cullen home after a night of hunting with the boys, she was not expecting her good mood to come crashing own around her at an instant.

The thrum of a heartbeat was heard from just beyond the treeline and immediately she hid herself, slipping behind a trunk to prevent eyes from within the home from seeing her, the boys having similar ideas.

She appeared a mess, her clothes were tattered and bloodstained from the fun she had played with her food. It was a distraction, one that continued to amuse her no matter how long she did it. For Reyna, it was thrilling to be strong enough to wrestle wild animals and walk away unscathed.

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